Racism and Oppression - articles and links 


Anti Racism/Anti fascism.

  • The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
    ADC is a grassroots civil rights organization which welcomes people of all backgrounds, faiths and ethnicities as members.

  • America's Black Holocaust Museum
    founded to educate the general public of the injustices suffered by people of African Heritage in America, and to provide visitors with an opportunity to rethink their assumptions about race and racism.

  • AHO Anti-Hate Organization.

  • American Pictures.
    American Pictures is an American non-profit organization, which supports anti-racism work in the U.S.

  • Annuity.org/black-community
    Closing the racial wealth gap in America isn't a simple fix, but many experts say education and financial literacy can help. To shed light on the topic, we've created an in-depth article discussing:
    - The impact that this knowledge gap has on the African American community
    - Socioeconomic and cultural barriers
    - The role of Black financial advisors


  • Anti-Asian Violence Concerns Page.
    This World-Wide Web site is devoted to the concern of anti-Asian violence. We hope to apply the Internet to further understand the issues of racial and ethnic violence, and to search for solutions.

  • Anti-Racist Action
    Minneapolis, MN Chapter

  • Anti Racist Action of Texas

  • AntiRacismNet
    finds the stories and organizations that address racism, discrimination, hate crimes, civil rights, and antiracism activism

  • Applied Research Center
    The Applied Research Center (ARC) is an independent public policy research institute focusing on issues of race and social justice. ARC specializes in investigative research projects that reveal hidden racial consequences of public policy initiatives, provide incisive analysis of “who really benefits,” offer ground-breaking case studies of model social change practices, develop theoretical frameworks to decode racially-charged debates, and design curricula to increase the analytical capacity of people in social justice organizations.

  • A.W.A.R.E.
    The purpose of A.W.A.R.E. (Alliance Working to Achieve Racial Equality) at the University of Kentucky is to provide a forum for the discussion of racism and race relations on campus and in the Lexington community. A.W.A.R.E. is by no means an absolute solution for the complex and widespread problem of racism; it simply provides members with factual information and possible viewpoints, and allows each individual to walk away with her or his own perspective.

  • BiasHELP
    A not-for-profit agency dedicated to preventing, monitoring and lessening the effects of bias crimes and hate-related harassment.

  • Color and Cash
    The Gully's complete coverage of race and class, two intertwined ills of American society. Includes their double-barrelled global impact.

  • ColorLines
    a print and online magazine published by the Applied Research Center and Center for Third World Organizinzg. ColorLines brings together the leading thinkers and organizers of color and the leading writers on race to speak on the issues, the organizing, the arts, the ideas of our time. ColorLines is the first national, multi-racial magazine devoted to covering the politics and creations of communities of color.

  • A Chronology of American Slavery
    Wealth of information on slavery from 1619 till the end. Includes well-differentiated segments, tables, and diagrams.

  • Jim Crow Museum website
    The stated objectives of the Jim Crow Museum are to:
    A. Serve as a teaching resource for Ferris State University courses which deal directly or indirectly with the issues of race and ethnicity.
    B. Help students understand the historical role of racism in this culture.
    C. Promote racial tolerance on campus by helping students and faculty understand historical and contemporary expressions of intolerance.
    D. Serve as a statewide educational resource for scholars and residents.

  • Debunking Dinesh D'souza's "End of Racism".
    finding the wholes and the flaws in the book that has revolutionized racial politics.

  • Demand letter - How to file for racial discrimination
    - Understanding racial discrimination 
    - Info on discrimination in the workplace, public service discrimination, housing discrimination, and more.
    - Demand letter vs. a lawsuit
    - Sending a demand letter in discrimination disputes
    - How HR departments handle demand letters
    - What to do after sending a demand letter
    - More resources for filing a demand letter

    formerly called HCDN, was created by a team of experienced hate crime victim advocates who know the importance of hate crime laws, recovery services, and improved police response. But they also know that for the thousands of people affected by hate crimes each year, none of that matters if they can't tell anyone what happened. Survivors of bias incidents often say that they fear reporting to the police or that they simply don't know where to turn for help. So, they simply suffer in silence -- feeling disconnected, helpless, and afraid. Fortunately, there's the international Hate-Crime Network. It gives hate survivors a chance to tell someone what happened to them -- regardless of where they live. And, among other things, it gives virtually anyone with e-mail or Web access a chance to send personal messages to the victims, offering them compassion, encouragement, and hope.

  • Hatewatch
    a web based organization that monitors the growing and evolving threat of hate group activity on the Internet. Started in 1996, HateWatch provides an online resource for concerned individuals, academics, activists and the media to keep abreast of and to combat online bigotry.

  • The National Resource Center for the Healing of Racism
    The National Resource Center for the Healing of Racism provides all people involved in the process of healing the disease of racism, and upholding the oneness of humankind, with the tools and resources to support and enhance their work. The Resource area of their website includes an impressive searchable database with hundreds of carefully selected resources on all sorts of topics related to race, racism, and diversity, organized by category.

  • International Possibilities Unlimited
    formed in 1997 to help mobilize people of African descent and to ensure black communities' participation in this new paradigm. IPU believes social and economic injustices can best be solved through global strategies. IPU is dedicated to building a global network linking people of African descent in the United States to social justice struggles throughout the world. We strive to increase understanding, participation, and activism by Black people in international arenas.

  • Iris films
    IRIS FILMS was founded in 1975 by a group of feminist filmmakers to produce and distribute films that creatively address social and cultural issues.

  • ISAR
    The Institute for the Study of Academic Racism at Ferris State University is a non-profit educational foundation that monitors academic racism and serves as a resource service for students, academics, journalists, legislators and civil rights activists.

  • Mootstormfront
    the Interface between White Supremacy and Reality

  • NCCJ
    TThe National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ), founded in 1927 as The National Conference for Christians and Jews, is a human relations organization dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry and racism. NCCJ promotes understanding and respect among all races, religions and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolution and education.

    The mission encompasses all people. The organization finds all forms of oppression, prejudice and discrimination to be wrong. Always. No form of discrimination is acceptable. Therefore, the mission includes any type of racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, xenophobia, and discrimination based on physical and mental disabilities.

  • One Man's Mind
    This site is dedicated to the continuing fight against hatred and prejudice that stems from racial and religious bigotry. This site strives for the truth. It is designed to produce thought, not controversy. It is designed to fight ignorance, not people.

  • Project Change.
    In 2002, Project Change (PC) entered into a partnership with Claremont Graduate University Institute for Democratic Renewal (IDR)
    1. To help communities participate more fully in the democratic process.
    2. To strengthen anti-racist/anti-oppression infrastructures and networks.

  • Racism and Race in American Law.
    considers the intersectionality between race/racism and American Law, racism and racial distinctions in the law, and the role of the law in promoting/alleviating racism. It includes statutes, cases, excerpts of law review articles,annotated bibliographies and other documents related to racism and race.

  • Recovering Racists Network
    a project founded by John McKenzie as a step to help in ending racism.

  • Race Relations Institute
    Fisk University's Race Relations Institute promotes and facilitates:
    Interracial and intraracial dialogue.
    Scholarly research on the emergence and perpetuation of the global system of racism (white supremacy), that has been used to secure and justify four (4) centuries of European and North American hegemony, in a world overwhelmingly populated by non-white people - people of colour [black, brown, red and yellow people].
    Training on issues related to racism and race relations.
    Development of strategies to overcome racial injustice and to enhance the development of societies that respect persons of all races and provide equal opportunities for persons of all races, religions, and ethnic origins.

  • Remembering Rosewood
    Site about Rosewood, Florida, which was burned to the ground January 04, 1923.

  • the Reparations Support Committee
    all about supporting reparations for slavery in the USA.

  • Southern Poverty Law Center
    A non-profit organization that combats hate, intolerance, and discrimination through education and litigation.

  • Southern Regional Council
    Organizational website for the Southern Regional Council whose mission is to promote racial justice, protect democratic rights, and broaden civic participation in the South and beyond. SRC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works in public education reform, fair representation, building interracial partnerships, and communication. The website includes information on our programmatic work, news releases, links to other racial and social justice organizations, and information on progressive issues in the South.

  • Stop the Hate

  • Teachers Against Prejudice
    TAP's mission is to work with students and educators from middle school to college on issues dealing with prejudice and discrimination through the critical exploration and examination of television and film.

  • Women As Allies
    The mission of Women As Allies is to increase sensitivity and healing among women in families, organizations and in communities to the issues of discrimination and hate involving race, gender, sexism, disability, sexual orientation, religion, culture, class, language, ethnicity, age, immigration and body image. And all issues confronting women, our families, our schools, our churches, our organizations, the workplace and our communities on a daily basis locally, nationally and internationally.

  • Western Justice Center
    a national nonprofit that collaborates with other organizations to develop innovative models of conflict resolution. The Center relies on a small, core staff who convene cooperative efforts to create, evaluate and replicate new ways to resolve conflicts and to improve the quality of justice in the regional, national and international spheres.

  • Youth Against Racism
    online youth activist group working to eliminate racism and discrimination. It was founded and created by Tracy Bray, who is 14. She sticks up for her values and beliefs and fights for anything she believes in. The co-founders of YAR are Samantha Barnaik,14, and Kathryn Baludio,12.

  • YouthWEB Online
    unites youngsters, teens and adults from diverse backgrounds and communities in the fight against bias, bigotry and prejudice. Young people can report hate-related incidents and get assistance along with information about hate crimes, school violence, discrimination and human rights.


  • Anti-Racist Action of South Bend, IN

  • The Asian American Cybernauts Page

  • Asian-Nation
    An exploration of the historical, political, social, economic, and cultural elements and issues that make up today's diverse Asian American community.

  • All One Heart.
    To promote harmony among all people. People of different cultures, races, religions, age groups, sexual gender and preference, physical and mental abilities. To encourage tolerance through raised consciousness by education and experience.

  • American Institute for Managing Diversity
    Tomorrow's challenge is not in the creation of diverse environments. These will evolve naturally from demographic changes. Tomorrow's challenge is anticipating, understanding, and managing the needs and issues that emerge from such environments. Founded in 1984, the American Institute for Managing Diversity (AIMD) was the first national, nonprofit organization created for the study of diversity issues. It is known as the innovator of research-based information on diversity issues. AIMD has provided individuals and organizations an opportunity to take proactive measures to make their work place and community better environments for all.

  • The Beyond Diversity Resource Center
    The Beyond Diversity Resource Center teaches people to internalize the ethics and practices of true respect for cultural differences. Our training techniques instill an understanding of one's own culture and that of others; however, the process does not stop there. Instead, our unique diversity training pushes participants to an emotional awareness of the ways in which cultural differences affect life experiences.

  • The Black World Today
    We are a collective of journalists, writers, artists, church-based racial justice advocates, communicators and entrepreneurs who have banded together to use the information revolution as one means towards the overall empowerment of Black people in the United States and around the world.

  • Center for the Study of White American Culture.
    Not an organization for white supremacists, as some people might infer, we are instead a multiracial organization that looks at whiteness and white American culture.

  • The National Center for Human Rights Education (CHRE)
    founded in 1996, is the first human rights education organization in the United States that focuses primarily on domestic human rights violations. CHRE works to build a domestic human rights movement by training community leaders and student activists to apply human rights standards to issues of injustice in the United States. As an information clearinghouse and technical assistance provider, CHRE seeks to increase human rights understanding, improve cooperation among progressive social change movements, and use human rights education as a catalyst for social transformation.

  • CoAction Consulting
    CoAction, a human relations and communication consulting group teaches peaceful and creative solutions for change to educational institutions and organizations throughout the United States. The foundation for CoAction programs includes examining the behavioral patterns of the prevailing culture within institutions as well as the intricate processes involved in alliance building.

  • Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action.

  • Center for Third World Organizing (CTWO)
    social justice movement led by people of color. USA.

  • Diversity Database
    The University of Maryland's Diversity Database is a comprehensive index of multicultural and diversity resources.

  • Diversity Network.
    We help employers reach out to diverse communities by providing potential job applicants with resume exposure and instant access to employment information.

  • The E.R.A.C.E. Foundation
    Eliminating Racism And Creating Equality. USA.

  • Eyes of Glory
    This is an uniquely American story. A story that culminates 10 years of research and reflection. The 200 year relationship between our extended Black/White/Hispanic; Jewish and Christian family formed a basis for America's bold and 'lively experiment,' different cultures joining with a shared dream of religious and ethnic tolerance, leading them to success and equality. "Eyes of Glory" follows the various generations of our multi-ethnic family; we see them as active participants in key events in our nation's history. We also see an uncommon commitment to preserving the family system despite the racial, religious and cultural injustices that engulfed early America. It is our hope that viewing this web site inspires people to better understand the important contribution ethnic Americans have made in shaping our great country.

  • Fair
    the national media watch group that offers well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship. We seek to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press. We scrutinize media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints.

  • Interracial Voice
    independent, information-oriented, networking newsjournal, serving the mixed-race/interracial community in cyberspace. This electronic publication advocates universal recognition of mixed-race individuals as constituting a separate "racial" entity and wholeheartedly supported the initiative to establish a multiracial category on the 2000 Census.

  • In Motion Magazine
    multicultural, online U.S. publication about democracy.

    International Human Rights Association of American Minorities serves as an unbrella organization to facilitate and coordinate the efforts of individuals, minorities and community organizations to gain access to international law and its enforcement mechanisms.

  • The Louisiana Creole Heritage Center
    to promote, foster, and engage in activities and endeavors that relate to Louisiana Creoles and their culture.

  • the Mandala Center
    Founded in 1999, the Mandala Center is a multi-disciplinary education organization dedicated to community dialogue, social justice and personal transformation. Through experiential workshops, performances, and other creative events, the Mandala Center invites people to be more awake and alive as well as empowered to take action toward a more just and joyous life for all people. The Mandala Center is also an international hub for the training and grassroots practice of Augusto Boal's, Theatre of the Oppressed.

    internationally distributed print and online magazine that celebrates the mixed race experience. The word "mavin" has roots in Aramaic and Hebrew and literally means, "one who understands." We started MAVIN magazine as a way for mixed race and transracially adopted people to celebrate their mixed race experiences. For too long, those outside of the experience have put their own labels on us; MAVIN is an affirmation of the mixed race experience by those who know it most intimately.

  • The Mississippi Alliance of State Employees
    the largest multiracial organization in the state of Mississippi. They are a major player in blocking the racist measures introduced to the state legislature.

  • Multi-Cultural Art Center

  • The Multicultural Book Review Homepage
    bookreviews and links.

  • Multicultural Kids!
    Our mission is to provide quality multicultural materials to preschool and elementary school-age children in the home and classroom. We are committed to providing fun, informative and diverse materials, which can be used to increase a child's knowledge of him/herself and others, thereby enhancing self-esteem while fostering tolerance and an appreciation of differences.

  • Association of MultiEthnic Americans
    AMEA's primary goal is to educate and advocate on behalf of multiethnic individuals and families by collaborating with others to eradicate all forms of discrimination.

  • The Multiracial Activist
    The Multiracial Activist (TMA) believes that biracial/multiracial people, interracial couples/families, and transracially adopted individuals have unique concerns that cannot or will not be met by traditional civil rights groups who tend to ignore our constituency or use said constituency for short term political gains.

  • The Multicultural Pavillion
    Through the Multicultural Pavilion, I strive to provide resources for educators, students, and activists to explore and discuss multicultural education; facilitate opportunities for educators to work toward self-awareness and development; and provide forums for educators to interact and collaborate toward a critical, transformative approach to multicultural education. The Pavilion was created by Paul Gorski in 1995 with inspiration from Bob Covert, Charlene Green, Allen Saunders, and other colleagues at the University of Virgina.

  • National Association of Black and White Men Together.
    NABWMT is committed to fostering respect, honesty, and communication among people of different races and cultural backgrounds. We are a gay, multi-racial, multi-cultural organization for all people.

  • The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
    NNIRR is a national organization composed of local coalitions and immigrant, refugee, community, religious, civil rights and labor organizations and activists. It serves as a forum to share information and analysis, to educate communities and the general public, and to develop and coordinate plans of action on important immigrant and refugee issues. We work to promote a just immigration and refugee policy in the United States and to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigration status. The National Network bases its efforts in the principles of equality and justice, and seeks the enfranchisement of all immigrant and refugee communities in the United States through organizing and advocating for their full labor, environmental, civil and human rights. We further recognize the unparalleled change in global, political and economic structures which has exacerbated regional, national and international patterns of migration, and emphasize the need to build international support and cooperation to strengthen the rights, welfare and safety of migrants and refugees.

  • Planting Seeds
    We are a group of people collectively working for non violent social change. Our hope is to play a significant role in rebuilding human society based on the principles of respect, love, communalism and an end to oppression. Our main goal is to aid in the process of self determination and healing for all living beings by fostering open and honest communication between people.

  • Race Bridges.
    This site is devoted to bringing the races together in projects that seek to bridge racial division. RaceBridges seeks to increase interracial understanding and cooperation with Web projects and events that affirm our dignity and equality. RaceBridges seeks to illuminate the human strengths and gifts that unite us, demonstrating that they are far stronger and deeper than what divides us.

  • Saxakali
    Connecting people of color through online education and networking

  • Saxakali Community Link-Up
    Links to issues, resources and other organizations working among communities of color.

  • The Tolerance Project
    a collaborative web resource for learning and teaching how to understand, create, nurture, and find tolerance.

  • The Truth Tree
    brings people together by offering a forum where ideas are presented and debated. It strives to combat bigotry, ignorance, intellectual cowardice, and an unrealistic retreat from honest reality into seemingly easier wish-fulfilling mysticism. Its goals are to facilitate the pursuit of happiness and the unfolding of the great experiment of life, wherever it may be found.

  • World Unity, Inc.
    seeks to make a continuing and lasting contribution towards the elimination of all forms of racial, ethnic, religious and cultural bigotry, prejudices, discrimination and biases. We envision the construction of a permanent landmark with an inscription of the Sun Poem will help achieve this vision.

  • Y? - The National Forum on people's differences.
    the site that's making headlines worldwide by daring people to talk about their differences.

Indigenous Resources

  • The African-Native Genealogy Homepage
    Celebrating the Estelusti ~ The Freedmen Oklahoma's Black Indians of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Nations.

  • American Comments
    Web Magazine created by the Seven Creeds Society & Iron Wing's Children.

  • American Indian College Fund.

  • American Indian Culture Research Center
    The principal purpose of the Center is to inform the general public of the world view, the philosophy of life, the spiritual insight of Native peoples.

  • The American Indian Movement Grand Governing Council
    In the 30 years of its formal history, the American Indian Movement (AIM) has given witness to a great many changes. We say formal history, because the movement existed for 500 years without a name. The leaders and members of today's AIM never fail to remember all of those who have traveled on before, having given their talent and their lives for the survival of the people. At the core of the movement is Indian leadership under the direction of NeeGawNwayWeeDun, Clyde H. Bellecourt, and others. Making steady progress, the movement has transformed policy making into programs and organizations that have served Indian people in many communities. These policies have consistently been made in consultation with spiritual leaders and elders.

  • American Indian tribal directory.
    Federally Recognized American Indian Tribes.

  • American Indian Heritage Foundation.
    The hallmark of the American Indian Heritage Foundation is it's continuing dedication to encourage Indian people to aspire to excellence in their own lives and to provide relief services to Indian people nationwide, while building bridges of understanding and friendship. The multifaceted programs of the Foundation have helped American Indian people achieve greater fulfillment and a deeper pride in our heritage.

  • BIA
    information on Bureau of Indian Affairs - facts and figures

  • The Cherokee Observer
    The Original On-line Independent Cherokee Newspaper

  • CITA
    the Chattanooga InterTribal Association non-profit organization, guardians of the heritages of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Iroquois, Tlingit, Pueblo and Lakota tribes.

  • Email Campaigns
    First Nations - Native American Indian

  • First Nations Peoples
    Dedicated to those who walk their path upon Mother Earth in respectful harmony; and in memory of the many who shed their blood to protect her and our future generations...

  • Lakota Wowapi Oti Kin Lakota Information Home Page

  • Native American Art, History and Cultural Tour is an educational, cultural visit of historical facts, images and reference materials of various Native American Indian bands and tribes. Discover the secret teachings of Wolves and Coyotes, the mysterys behind the Pictographs and Petroglyphs of the Chumash and other Tribes.

  • Native American Public Telecommunications The mission of Native American Public Telecommunications (NAPT) is to inform, educate and encourage the awareness of tribal histories, cultures, languages, opportunities and aspirations through the fullest participation of American Indians and Alaska Natives in creating and employing all forms of educational and public telecommunications programs and services, thereby supporting tribal sovereignty.

  • Native Circle a place where people from all the sacred colors of the human race can come and begin to experience the powerful truths of Indigenous tradition. You are invited to explore this site, reach, grow, learn and connect. It is my prayer that Native Circle will be more than just a website, but a doorway which can take you to a place of inner balance, peace and humble understanding. Blessings to you....

  • NativeWeb
    is a collection of resources for indigenous peoples.

  • Native American Indian:
    Art, Culture, Education, History, Science

  • Native Americans projects for legal aid
    The purpose of this page is to entice Native Indians and Volunteers from other cultures, into becoming involved in research and writing concerning matters of which are effecting the Native American Indian Nations, Tribes, and Bands.

  • National Environmental Coalition Of Native Americans
    Native American Environmentalists working to keep nuclear waste off Indian lands.

Civil Rights

  • Caucasians United for Reparations and Emancipation
    CURE was founded and incorporated in 1992. Since that time it has established a body of written work and a reputation for sincerity, tenacity and passion its reparations advocacy efforts. At its origin, CURE saw itself as continuing the work begun by white Abolitionists. The founders believed that the Black Holocaust, beginning with the trans-Atlantic slave trade more than 400 years ago, has not yet ended, and it will not come to an end until full and complete reparations are paid to the descendants of the enslaved Africans. Thus the organization name calls for both reparations and emancipation.

  • Little Rock Central High 40th Anniversary
    Special activities in September, 1997, drew attention to the impact of the integration crisis that centered around Little Rock Central High School in 1957-58.

  • NAACP Online

  • The National Civil Rights Museum
    the first and only comprehensive overview of the civil rights movement in exhibit form. As an educational institution the museum exists to provide understanding of the civil rights movement and its impact on human rights movements worldwide. The museum offers unique educational experiences through its collections, research, and public learning programs.

  • United States Commission on Civil Rights
    The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is an independent, bipartisan agency first established by Congress in 1957 and reestablished in 1983. It is directed to:
    *Investigate complaints alleging that citizens are being deprived of their right to vote by reason of their race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or by reason of fraudulent practices;
    *Study and collect information relating to discrimination or a denial of equal protection of the laws under the Constitution because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or in the administration of justice;
    *Appraise Federal laws and policies with respect to discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or in the administration of justice;
    *Serve as a national clearinghouse for information in respect to discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin;
    *Submit reports, findings, and recommendations to the President and Congress;
    *Issue public service announcements to discourage discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws.

  • Will The Circle Be Unbroken - Get Involved.
    List of National Organizations the following is only a representative list of the hundreds of organizations engaged in civil rights works in the United States. It is based on a list printed in the Newsroom Guide to Civil Rights published by the Communications Consortium Media Center. Terminology and ethnic designations (such as Hispanic and Latino, Native American and American Indian,African American and black) are based on preferences of the individual organization.

Roma, Sinti & Travellers

  • Lawyers Committee for Roma Rights & Recognition
    At the outset of our work, the very idea of a movement in the United States to secure rights for Roma people was considered an impossibility by most who had expertise in studying this community. However, the unique history of the LCRRR, founded by members of the Roma community, and with Roma in directorial positions, has created a new liaison between Roma and the legal community.

Jewish Resources/Shoah

  • ADL
    the world's leading organization to fight anti-Semitism, hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

  • C.A.N.D.L.E.S. Holocaust Museum
    The C.A.N.D.L.E.S. Holocaust Museum was dedicated in the Spring of 1995. Its purpose is to educate the public about the horrors of the holocaust and to tell the story of the childeren who survived. Further, visitors learn about the experiments twins were forced to endure. "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." has become the basis for the museum's efforts to educate and enlighten about the Holocaust. The slogan of the Museum is "Let us remove hatred and prejudice from the world and let it begin with me. "
    C.A.N.D.L.E.S. which stands for Childeren of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors is the only museum of its kind in the State of Indiana.

  • Council for Jewish Elderly
    has at its core a deep and abiding commitment to Jewish communal values and the dignity of the older person. Through dedication to quality programs and services for all older people and their families, CJE acknowledges respect for the individuality and independence of each person it serves.

  • El Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center

  • Forgive, but never forget

  • the Holocaust Commission
    The educational mission of the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is threefold:
    1. To promote an understanding of the uniqueness and magnitude of the Holocaust, its unfolding stages and its critical lessons.
    2. To serve as an Educational Resource Center for students and teachers to learn about the Holocaust, racism, and the dangers of prejudice.
    3. To help students apply the lessons of the Holocaust and other historical events – dangers of discrimination, peer pressure, unthinking obedience to authority, and indifference – to the moral decisions they make in their own lives.

  • Holocaust Center of Northern California (HCNC)
    Founded in 1977 by holocaust survivors and refugees,the Holocaust Center of Northern California (HCNC), located in San Francisco, CA, is dedicated to the preservation of a past that must not be forgotten. The HCNC specializes in information on persecutions by theNazis of Jews in Europe and North Africa, and also groups such as Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Homosexual Men, and Political Dissidents, as well as the euthanasia program for handicapped children and adults in Germany. The HCNC focuses on research and education, in fulfillment of the testament left by the martyrs of the Holocaust to its survivors--to remember, to record, to understand, to explain, and to enlighten future generations.

  • Holocaust Education Through Art On line gallery of art from the Under the Wings of G-D art series on the Shoah, a monumental drawing series in progress since 1991. The series is designed to "restore dignity to the memory of those murdered." Also includes info on exhibitions, slide classes and a responses section.

  • Holocaust Teacher Resource Center
    The TRC web site, is dedicated to the memory of the six million Jewish people slaughtered during the Holocaust and the five million other people slaughtered during the Nazi era. It strives to combat prejudice and bigotry by transforming the horrors of the Holocaust into positive lessons to help make this a better and safer world for everybody.

  • Kansas City Jewish Chronicle

  • Moreshet Network
    a network of volunteers designed to support individuals and organizations in: Networking among Jews of Afrikan heritages Coalition-building projects among Jews of diverse ethnic backgrounds Facilitating communication among Jewish communities and Hebrew-/Israelite communities (messianic and non-messianic) Supporting individuals and organizations in obtaining and imparting accurate information about Jews of African heritages in Afrika, Israel, and the Diasporas Tikkun olam/repairing the world through through Jewish diversity and multiculturalism initiatives.

  • The Museum of Tolerance at the Wiesenthal Center.

  • The Nizkor Project Home Page

  • Reach & Teach
    The Reach & Teach Group consists of several Holocaust survivors, their offsprings and educators located in various parts of the country. Their primary aim is to reach out to individuals, particularly the younger generation, and to teach, educate and inform them about the Holocaust, the Kindertransport and related World War II historical facts.

  • The Western Jewish History Center

    the world’s largest archive dedicated to documenting the history and contributions of Jews in the West.

  • Simon Wiesenthal Center

  • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Human Rights/Refugees

  • Amnesty International USA

  • The American Anti-Slavery Group, Inc.
    the only American organization solely dedicated to abolishing modern day slavery worldwide. We monitor, document, and publicize the plight of slaves around the globe. Our special focus is on the worst and most-ignored cases of human bondage: black chattel slavery in Mauritania and Sudan.

  • Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
    The Human Rights Initiative aims to provide critical perspective of what happens when international human rights confront realities on the ground. At the local level, there are active and evolving debates about rights and their implementation that are far removed from the prevailing international discourse on human rights -- a discourse which takes place primarily in the Western capitals where international human rights groups are based and tends to reflect Western experience and priorities. Our goal is to provide a venue for those critical local debates about human rights to be heard and thereby to provoke new thinking about human rights within the international community. In doing so, we seek to challenge the human rights regime to better fulfill its purpose of promoting and protecting the human needs of all societies and cultures.

  • Committee of Concerned Scientists
    independent organization of scientists, physicians and engineers dedicated to the protection and advancement of the human rights and scientific freedom of colleagues throughout the world.

  • Human Rights First
    Human Rights First works in the United States and abroad to create a secure and humane world by advancing justice, human dignity and respect for the rule of law. We support human rights activists who fight for basic freedoms and peaceful change at the local level; protect refugees in flight from persecution and repression; help build a strong international system of justice and accountability; and make sure human rights laws and principles are enforced in the United States and abroad.

  • Iranian Refugees' Alliance.
    community based organization in the US with the mission to preserve and promote the human and civil rights of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers nationally and internationally, without any discriminiation.

  • Global Exchange
    Global Exchange is a non-profit research, education, and action center dedicated to promoting people-to-people ties around the world. Since our founding in 1988, we have been striving to increase global awareness among the US public while building international partnerships around the world.

    The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights is composed of local coalitions and immigrant, community, religious, civil rights and labor organizations and activists. It serves as a forum to share information an analysis, to educate communities and the general public, and to develop and coordinate plans of action on important immigrant and refugee issues. The organization works to promote a just immigration and refugee policy in the U.S. and to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees regardless of immigration status.

  • S.T.O.P.
    Slavery That Opresses People was founded in 1998 by a fifth-grade class in Denver that wanted to take action on behalf of children now held as chattel slaves in the Sudan. The students were in the middle of a history unit on American slavery when they learned that black people were still slaves in the Sudan -- especially boys and girls their own age.

  • University of Minnesota Human Rights Library

Disability Resources

  • AAPD
    the largest national nonprofit cross-disability member organization in the United States, dedicated to ensuring economic self-sufficiency and political empowerment for the more than 56 million Americans with disabilities.

  • Advocating Change Together
    ACT is a nonprofit disability rights organization run by and for people with developmental and other disabilities. We are committed to freedom, equality, and justice for all people with disabilities.

    American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today There's no place like home, and we mean real homes, not nursing homes. We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.

  • The Center on Human Policy
    CHP is a Syracuse University based policy, research, and advocacy organization involved in the national movement to insure the rights of people with disabilities. Since its founding, the Center has been involved in the study and promotion of open settings (inclusive community opportunities) for people with disabilities.

    Disability Advocacy Work With Networking. Well organized collection of links to resources for disability advocacy, assistance, education and more.

  • Disability Cool
    Is it cool to be disabled... the Disability Cyberchicks think so. With this website, we plan to challenge all the preconceived notions about what it's like to live with a disability... the good parts and the bad parts. When we've finished with you, we hope you will never again accept society's stereotypes and low levels of expectations of what people think we should be. This is a forum for the expression of ideas and opinions.

  • Disabled in Action
    DIA We are a civil rights organization committed to ending discrimination against people with disabilities — all disabilities. We fight to eliminate all barriers that prevent us from enjoying full equality in American society. Founded in 1970, DIA is a democratic, not-for-profit, membership organization. DIA consists primarily of and is directed by disabled people. We believe in the motto, "Nothing about us without us!"

  • The Disability Rights Activist
    A lot is happening at the federal level with legislation and regulations that affects the lives of disabled people. Unfortunately we are seeing a backlash against the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). There is more and more information available for people to take action in support of the rights of people with disabilities but it is, for the most part, scattered across the Web. DRA brings together much of the information needed to enable anyone interested in the rights of disabled people to work for those rights.

  • Institute on Disability Culture
    "People with disabilities have forged a group identity. We share a common history of oppression and a common bond of resilience. We generate art, music, literature, and other expressions of our lives, our culture, infused from our experience of disability."

  • National Association of the Deaf
    Founded in 1880, NAD is the oldest and largest organization representing people with disabilities in the United States. The NAD safeguards the accessibility and civil rights of 28 million deaf and hard of hearing Americans in a variety of areas including education, employment, health care and social services, and telecommunications.

  • New Mobility Magazine and much more.

  • WAPD
    World Association of Persons with Disabilities relies on support of donations, volunteers, corporate / business contributions to continue the ever growing service program for persons with disAbilities who desire to advance with their untapped sources of Ability,Talent and Desire.

  • Women and Disability Resources
    These are social, academic, activist, and just-for-fun online resources Barbara Robertson has collected on women and disability.

Gay & Lesbian Resources.

  • And Justice for All.
    is dedicated to achieving equality for everyone without regard to sexual orientation and to raising the visibility of heterosexuals in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights movement.

  • The Campaign to end Homophobia.
    The purpose of the Campaign is to build and support a network of people working together to end homophobia and heterosexism through education.

  • Children Of Lesbians And Gays Everywhere.
    Our mission is to foster the growth of daughters and sons of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents of all racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds by providing education, support and community on local and international levels, to advocate for our rights and those of our families, and to promote acceptance and awareness in society that love makes a family.

  • Creating Safe Schools for Lesbian and Gay Students
    A resource guide for school staff Homophobia interferes with the health development of all young people, particularly those who are dealing with issues of sexual orientation. One of the many places gay and lesbian youth feel the effects of homophobia is within their schools. This booklet is designed to not only give school staff many valuable resources, but also to provide practical suggestions for helping to reduce homophobia within our schools, The ultimate goal is to ensure the safety of all students. This booklet was developed by Youth Pride, Inc.

  • The Deaf Queer Resource Center
    DQRC is a national non-profit resource and information center founded and directed by Deaf Queer activist Dragonsani Renteria. This is "the place" to find the most comprehensive and accurate information about the Deaf Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered community.

  • The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
    organization of 2,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) physicians, medical students, and their supporters in all 50 states and 12 countries.

  • Dykediva.com
    lesbian site with bite. Catering to those who like hip, edgy sites with a sense of humor. The dykediva runs an advice column, message boards, a poetry forum, a rants page, an events calendar, and much more.

  • Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

  • Gay and Lesbian Politics: WWW and Internet Resources.
    selective, annotated guide to the best and most authoritative resources on politics, law, and public policy. Designed for students, scholars, journalists, activists, and citizens, and maintained by Steve Sanders, Indiana University.

  • The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
    GLSEN strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

  • Gay Men's Health Crisis
    founded by volunteers in 1981, is the oldest and largest not-for-profit AIDS organization in the United States. GMHC offers hands-on support services to more than 9,500 men, women and children with AIDS and their families in New York City annually, as well as education and advocacy for hundreds of thousands nationwide.
    The LGBTQ+Community and Alcoholism
    People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) often face social stigma, discrimination, and other unfair treatment. This treatment usually isn’t experienced by their heterosexual counterparts. They also face a higher risk of harassment, violence, and hate crimes.
    As a result of these and other difficulties, the LGBTQ community is significantly impacted by alcoholism and substance abuse. 
    born on March 1, 1999 it was our intent to put up a positive, affirming site that could serve as a resource to gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual and transgendered persons of faith. GodLovesFags.com is a non-denominational, non-discriminatory web site. Our intent is to share a message of God's love with people who have traditionally been inundated with a message of hate - and to monitor the actions of those who spew hate in the name of God. As the site continues to grow, we constantly ad links to information on other faiths and even opposing viewpoints from time to time. We don't assume to tell anyone how to think, we are simply a resource.

  • Homosexuality: Common Questions & Statements Addressed
    Anything you want to know about homosexuality. by C. Ann Shepherd, USA

  • Human Rights Campaign
    America's largest gay and lesbian organizations, the Human Rights Campaign provides a national voice on gay and lesbian issues. The Human Rights Campaign effectively lobbies Congress; mobilizes grassroots action in diverse communities; invests strategically to elect a fair-minded Congress; and increases public understanding through innovative education and communication strategies.
    HRC is a bipartisan organization that works to advance equality based on sexual orientation and gender expression and identity, to ensure that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.

  • The Independent Gay Forum
    created by a group of gay writers, academics, attorneys, and activists who feel dissatisfied with the current level of discussion of gay-related issues.

  • Lavenders Links USA

    The National Latina/o Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Organization, is the national nonprofit organization representing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Latinas/os. LLEGÓ's purpose is the organization of LGBT Latina/o communities from grassroots to national levels through mobilization and networking in a culturally sensitive environment in order to overcome social, health and political barriers faced due to sexual orientation and ethnicity status.

  • LGBTQ Addiction Resources
    A library of substance abuse and addiction resources designed to help the LGBTQ community. Whilst no group in society is immune to substance abuse, some groups are more at risk. Unfortunately, this is true for the LGBTQ community. This is mainly because of the mental health disorders that develop as a result of abuse, discrimination, rejection and ostracism.

  • The Montgomery Gay & Lesbian Association

  • The New York Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
    provides a home for the birth, nurture and celebration of our organizations, institutions and culture; cares for our individuals and groups in need; educates the public and our community; and empowers our individuals and groups to achieve their fullest potential.

  • !OutProud!
    The National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Youth serves the needs of these young men and women by providing advocacy, information, resources and support. Our goal is to help lesbigay youth become happy, successful, confident and vital gay, lesbian and bisexual adults.

  • The Out Against the Right
    Gay/Lesbian Movement site with very practical info on ways to combat the extreme-right and grassroots organizing.

    Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays promotes the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons, their families and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.

  • Planet out
    online community of gay,lesbian, bi and trans people worldwide

  • Satrang
    a social, political, cultural and support organization providing a safe space to empower South Asian LGBTIQs (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenders, Intersex, Questioning) in Southern California. Through education, networking and outreach we are committed to creating awareness and acceptance of queer/alternative sexualities and gender orientations.

  • SpeakOut
    Formerly the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Speakers Bureau of Boston
    Our purpose: To educate the public about what it means to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered in this society. To dispel myths and stereotypes by allowing people to see us as individuals. To build understanding and acceptance through open and honest dialogue. To let other gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered people know they are not alone.

  • Transgender care
    National transgender educational and medical resource for M-to-F trans sexual transition provided by medical, psychological and electrolysis specialists.
    A Nurse's Guide to Trangender-affirming care

    With nurses being on the frontline, they play a big role in providing transgenders and GNCs with the medical, psychological, and emotional care they need.

  • The Triangle Foundation. Michigan's statewide civil rights, advocacy and anti-violence organization for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.



  • The Association of Iranian Women.
    AIW is an independent, not-for-profit organization that campaigns for the improvement of women's rights.

  • Chicana.
    Chicana feminist homepage. Chicana refers to women of Mexican descent born and/or raised in the United States.

  • Encyberpedia.
    links to women sites with information regarding equal rights, working woman's guide, women in the news, reproductive rights, sexual harassment and rape, domestic violence and much more.

  • Equal Rights Advocates.
    ERA is a 25-year old women's civil rights organization based in San Francisco. As an important legal voice for women on the West Coast, our work often affects policies and laws throughout the country. ERA is dedicated to the empowerment of women and girls through the establishment of their economic, social, and political equality.

  • Feminist Majority Foundation.
    vast resource for everything related to feminism including global issues, reproductive rights and the related news and events.

  • The National Organization for Women.

  • Rape Recovery Help and Information Page
    Sometimes emerging from rape's aftermath seems impossible. When we want others to think everything is ok we often wear many different masks. The purpose of this page is to let you know that you can heal from this and to offer you support and encouragement along the way. Some of the help offered here is in the form of a newsletter, links to survivors pages, chat and message boards, email support and more.

  • Women As Allies
    The mission of Women As Allies is to increase sensitivity and healing among women in families, organizations and in communities to the issues of discrimination and hate involving race, gender, sexism, disability, sexual orientation, religion, culture, class, language, ethnicity, age, immigration and body image. And all issues confronting women, our families, our schools, our churches, our organizations, the workplace and our communities on a daily basis locally, nationally and internationally.

  • Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press
    Media Democracy issues; women's media; networking; publications on the radical retructuring of the communications media.

  • YWCA
    Strengthened by diversity, the Association draws together members who strive to create opportunities for women's growth, leadership and power in order to attain a common vision: Peace, Justice, Freedom and Dignity for all people.


  • The Bay Area Progressive Directory.
    directory of about 1000 nonprofit and activist organizations in the counties surrounding the San Francisco Bay, plus additional links to other progressive sites elsewhere.

  • Call To Action
    founded in January of 2000 to train a new generation of young organizers. We provide mobile campaign support, education, and training to community and campus organizations. CtA offers a dynamic balance of skill and issue based workshops that support the development of new organizers and grassroots organizations. Our goal is to energize and empower people with the skills and the vision needed to bering about a world that respects the Earth and and all beings, a world of social jsutice, self-determination, equality, and peace for all peoples.

  • The Dialogue to Action Initiative
    keeps leaders in dialogue and deliberation informed, involved and inspired. Our site offers ever-updated news, resources, ideas and events of interest to dialogue leaders, as well as a popular email discussion list, info about organizing dialogues, and strategies for moving from talk to community action.

  • The Gully
    online magazine for digested news, raw opinion, queer edge. Independent view of international news, U.S. politics, e-activism, race, class, lesbian and gay issues and more.

  • National Council on Aging

  • Political Research Associates
    non-profit research library and think-tank that studies right-wing attacks on democracy and diversity. We are also an affiliate of the Center for Democratic Renewal, and work in broad-based coalitions with numerous other human relations groups seeking to challenge prejudice, discrimination, and ethnoviolence. This page is devoted to assisting people interested primarily in these broad goals.

  • Social Justice E-Zine
    The name Social Justice encompasses the struggles of people everywhere who work for gender equality, democratic government, economic opportunity, intellectual freedom, environmental protection and human rights.

  • Sonoma County Free Press
    online news and opinion magazine. We support human rights, women's rights, reproductive rights. We are opposed to racism, ageism,militarism, police violence against citizens or any other form of discrimination.

  • WebActive
    We hope you find that WebActive helps make the Internet an effective tool for progressive activism.

These links are borrowed and updated from Crosspoint Anti Racism 




Other pages under "Racism" menu

Frequent questions on oppression     

Insights on oppression   

Disclaimers and definitions on racism      

Text from Jacob Holdt's racism workshop

Links to racism resources




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