- my family's 2nd generation

Jacob Holdt

Click on photos for enlargements and background stories
Click on titles to go to their place in the text



For a complete photographic survey of my life
with more than 550 pictures, go here.


Bag tremmer i Øster Søgade 108 Med min bror på udflugt

Mother with me 1947

Behind bars 1948

With my brother 1950

With my brother 1951

Min mor med vor nyfødte lillebror Steen Familien Holdt i 1962

With my
brothers 1960

The family Holdt 1960

The family Holdt 1961

3 generations 2000


Min konfirmation i 1962

Familien Holdt 1964

With Morten
in the field

With mother in the field

My confirmation

My brother's


Mit barndomshjem i landsbyen Fåborg

Annie Rush i San Francisco


My childhood
home 1950

My childhood
home 1960

Ex-wife Annie 1975

With Vibeke 1978


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