Thanks for American tour 25. november 2005

Tidligere bunkemails til venner og bekendte





Melanie Schikore, Jeff Berry, Robert Moore, Christina Sun, Jackie Rusca, Valerie Trucchia, Anna Davolio, Muwwakkil, Lotte Lund, Mads Ellesøe, Jim Hickey, Alycia Capone, Richard Herskowitz, Raine Carraway, Eric Williams, Brad Tempkin, Valerie Bergman, Tony Harris, Andrea Tapia .......and other good friends

..... who organized my shows or gave me hospitality on my tour around the USA this fall...

To all of you I would like to say thanks!  

I am here sending you the pictures I took of you or of others on the trip in case you would like some of them. 
However, most of the pictures are from the trip I took with Ku Klux Klan leader Jeff Berry to him to my black friends known from my book - not least in places such as Philadelphia, Miss. which the Klan terrorrized in the 60'es. This unusual trip of a socalled "anti-racist" and a "racist" traveling together was documented all the way by Danish TV for educational purposes.

You can look at the pictures here: 


If you like any of the photos I can send them in higher resolution on a cd. Due to my "acting" in a movie I did not have much time to photograph this time, but did continue my ongoing KKK-photo essay - this time especially documenting the infamous (yet very likable,  I found) Grand Dragon Robert Moore's violent childhood and present day poverty in North Carolina (where he is homeless and crashing on the couch of a dirt poor Mexican while claiming to "stand up for his race"!)  


Photos from my previous tours in America you can see here:

With Love

Jacob Holdt
Gernersgade 63
1319 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel in Denmark: +45 33 124412
Tel in the USA: 212-614-0438 


If my e-mail answer was too short or unsatisfactory, 
you can find more information on my 17.434 web pages:

My calendar where you can see if one of my lectures is in your area or - if you want to organize one - if I am available on your preferred date

My previous  5.500 lectures - listed after type of school

Reviews of my shows - in major American papers and college papers

My articles on racism, development aid, ecology, welfare state etc.

My photographs - from the USA, Bolivia, Nepal, Guatemala, 
Nicaragua, Thailand, Haiti
, Jamaica, Africa and Kosovo.

And some hobbies helping me to fill out all the spare time as a lecturer on the boring highways:

Genealogy - with a family tree containing over 10,000 of my
family's direct ancestors through 150 generations - or  4.100 years! Click from my children all the way back to their x-great grandparents such as emperor Augustus, Herod the Great, Alexander the Great and 1,100 other  kings, emperors - and pharaohs such as Ramses II -
not to speak of Washington, Jefferson and Roosevelt.

Influential ancestors: Or see my family's relationship with those persons who actually talked to or were friends with Jesus, John the Baptist, St. Paul, Socrates, Plato, Sofokles, Perikles, Cleisthenes (the founder of democracy) and others who shaped modern humanism...... well, even corresponded with Jesus (as surprising as it sounds).

And if you finally - after this e-mail - have difficulties seeing my saint halo, - well, let me try to polish it a bit by showing you how much saint blood runs in my family veins - directly descending from more than 30 saints and some of the popes who (mistakenly?) canonized them!!!