Dght of Eanfrith Princess of Northhumbria

Ref. : 7676

Eanfrith King of NorthumbriaDght of Gwid of the Scots (Picts)
- Domnall Brecc the King of Scots (Dál Riata) Abt. 630 - Domangart II King of Scots (Dál Riata)

Dght of Eanfrith Princess of Northhumbria
Eanfrith King of Northumbria
Abt. 634

Dght of Gwid of the Scots (Picts)
Ethelfrith King of Northumbria

Bebba Queen of Northumbria

Gwid Prince of Scots (Picts)
Bef 584

Dght of Erb of the Scots (Strathclyde)
Ethelric King of Bernicia
- - Abt. 593

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Bruide mac Maelgwn King of Scots (Picts)
Abt. 524 - 584
Dght of Gildas of the Scots (Picts)
- - -

Erb Prince of Scots (Strathclyde)
- - -
Gwyddno Princess of Scots (Strathclyde)
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