American Pictures - Gallery

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Please note: To protect the privacy of my friends I have changed or left out their names
and only give state or big cities as location! - Jacob Holdt

USA - Victims of ghettoization and white flight:

Introduction to 10 pages on the urban underclass

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The urban underclass

These pictures show the modern white racist mind set - conservative as well as liberal. If there had been no racism blacks would have been spread out equally all over America just like most immigrants after a few generations. Instead blacks are forced into greater and greater isolation. In many cities such as Detroit and Chicago 96% of blacks live in all black neighborhoods - against their own stated desire, says all polls. In these pages you can see many of the people I lived with as a vagabond and still live with today between my lectures. 

From junkie to actress Virginia is for lovers Boys in hallway Welfare mother
Welfare mother No hang out here Children in the ruins Welfare mother
Children +  highways Subway graffiti Sad old men Sad young woman
Casual laborers Worst American slum Man in subway Woman go to church
Red girl in violence Smile to Congress Rose in Spanish Harlem Rat bites in Detroit

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