Melody: A hard day's night  







Dear Max and Eva

In the late evening the party started getting more wild:

While your mom (as usual) is busy running all over the place, Raymond at least pays you a bit of attention. But you still
seem to worry a bit about all these guests, Eva!

Wow, here I actually managed to find a picture of the
whole family together. But not for long. Your beautiful
caretaker, Dawa, feels it is too risky to leave you in
the hands of your unstable mom, Max, and is trying
to save you....


Here you are in good hands again with Dawa and seem quite content about being at a safe distance from your mom....


Instead your mom throws all her love at Raymond when she has a bit to drink......
....Paul seems to feel a little neglected....or perhaps embarrassed about the whole thing.


But sometimes your mom looks like she is getting a fit when Raymond pays too much attention to other beautiful women....

Then Raymond - always in the last minute - gives her a big
warm hug ....and tries to hold her down to get a little
control over her risky high-flying manners....

But that we all know is not an easy job. Your mom certainly
has her own ways  .....and always shows the way!

When Raymond doesn't pay attention, she goes totally wild and jumps up dancing on the dinner tables so that fire sparks are flying all over the place. It got to be so scary that neighbors
called the police in the middle of the night!

But Raymond will defend her.....and here seems
ready to get into a real fist fight with the police...

.....but still the party continued to the early morning
....long, long after you were in bed, Max and Eva.
It was a great party for all of us and I hope these
pictures will help you remember it forever!

Now click here to go to
the late night surprise of the party


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