







We are celebrating that the two Klan members on the right have just been released after 5 years in prison for drugs sales.

They drink milk jugs full of beer in the headquarter of the Klan. Jeff, who doesn't himself touch alcohol, complains about how the Klan members always will rather drink than make Klan activities.

21.  In the last 10 years many Danish politicians have surpassed the Ku Klux Klan’s hateful ways to express themselves. It is characteristic that close to all Klan groups today only use euphemisms, when they mention blacks (similar to president Reagan's "coded racism"). Typically they shout that “we must protect our children from drugs and crime”. In the American context everybody then knows that they are talking about the blacks. The irony is that almost all the Klan members themselves have been in prison for drug crimes, and that they get many of their black friends precisely in that criminal underworld. The young Klan people in the picture had just been released from prison, after serving five years for dealing drugs in a black/white gang. Their present day speeches are therefore characterized by both their own self-hatred as well as guilt about branding blacks

Danish politicians, on the other hand, are fond of directing hateful verbal attacks against Muslims, for being “criminals, losers, Nazi like” etc., and even use the parliaments powerful platform to cry out far worse things about their fellow human beings (like Muslim buboes) than the Ku Klux Klan cries in powerlessness and pain in remote forests, where they don’t hurt anybody. Our politicians can be seen and heard, and make themselves legitimate role models.


Illinois’ Grand Dragon Jean Null is active in the Klan in order to “protect our children against drugs and crime”...

....but privately she spend all her time caring for her grandchildren, as both of her sons and their wives, are in prison for drug crimes.

22. When my web site went down, I experienced how efficiently these few losers manipulate our need to hate. Since I am one of the few to present a “human” picture of the Klan I got so many millions of clicks to my site that it made the server brake down. When I check the identities of these visitors, I find that they typically are sixteen year old school boys from all over the world. They have played too many video games in their childhood, in which they learn to destroy “the evil guys”, and now naively believe that such evil people really exists. For my own part, I have never met an evil person in which inner humanity I could not communicate and get to flourish, but I have met many deeply damaged people, Already as teen-agers these boys starts to cultivate the evil by looking for extreme images on KKK web sites, without knowing that most were made by boys as themselves-only with a slightly greater need to “be noticed”. “Be a man, join the Klan” echoes of the black’s old cry for help, “I am a man”.


Everything in the Klan is about getting attention by looking frightening.

Klan meeting in Alabama

23. How little the Klan people themselves believe the rubbish on their web site, where they try to get out attention (and hatred), dawned on me when the Klan group, the experts called “the largest and most hateful”,  allowed me- a well-known anti racist- be their webmaster. To my own surprise I found nothing on their web site  that I had to remove, because it was too racist.
The Klan’s borrowed symbols from the past are of course offensive to blacks, just as corresponding oppressed groups use of the swastika, is for the Jews. But anti-racist activism is exactly about, how we through our friendship with these excluded groups gain enough influence to prevent that blacks, Jews and other vulnerable groups are not exposed direct attacks, and at the same time, through loving attention, help the racists to work through his inner pain, Most Klan-people and Nazi’s, I have met, were only members for 2-3 years, after that they will typically find human warmth and caring with a partner, in a religious group or in some kind of alcohol or drug rehabilitation group.


Wally with daughter Kathrina

Wally makes a virtue of being hateful, and the other Klan members keep a distance from his hateful behavior

24. Exactly for that reason it’s naive to think that some human beings are born ”evil”. The only one in the Klan, that the visitor, who traveled with me, found “hateful”-and whom everybody else in the Klan warned me about for his “hatred”, was Wally. Yes, on me too, he appeared frightening in his appearance and rhetoric. So what kind of human being was hiding behind the “hatred”?
During our many long conversations I slowly pieced his history together. Wally did not elaborate on his childhood, but as a young man in New York he was happily married and had a four year old daughter, whom he loved more than anything, but one day, while driving with his family, his wife and daughter was shot to death right in front of his eyes, by stray bullets from black gangs fighting, In pain and rage he joined the Nazi party and now reeled of racist and anti-Semitic slurs, as a shield against any attempt to reach his internal humanity, But was he entirely beyond the reach of human compassion?


Wally brings up Katrina with his “Heil-greetings, but in the years that followed, I did not see a hateful child develop from the overwhelming love she received from her father.

Wally’s wife, the Klan leader’s daughter Tania, works at the local gas station.

25. One day Wally saw Klan leader Jeff and his daughter Tania on the Jerry Springer TV show. Wally fell instantly in love with Tania, and drove to a Klan meeting in North Carolina, to propose to her. They got married, and therefore the Klan leader now had this “Nazi-scum” as he and his fellow Klan members despised, as a son in law, but could not ignore because of Tania. Tania and Wally had a daughter, Wally’s love for his new daughter and in his fear of losing her, as he had lost his first daughter; he refused to work in order to care for Katrina.

At their home I saw Wally on one hand teaching Katrina the “Heil Hitler” greetings, but at other times cuddle and caress hers to no end. Even at that time I told my black friend Rikke Marrott, whom Wally refused to let into his home, when we paid him a surprise visit: “This child will not grow up to be hateful, because only damaged children, deprived of love, become hateful.


Katrina swaddled in the rebel flag.

Wally reads to Katrina

26. Here Katrina is seen wrapped in the South-States rebel flag, as all over the world is used as a symbol of hate, but Katrina is swaddled in love. When the Klan-leaders wife Pamela takes care of Katrina, she is brimming over with love for her, and is embarrassed that the “hateful” Wally has taught her the “heil” greetings, but still, I saw just as much love from Wally when he would spend hours reading children stories for Katrina..


Wally at the radio station where racists can call in. I have a problem with this activity, since blacks can listen, but not, on air, see through the Klan's powerlessness.

Wally tugs his daughter into bed.The expression "WHITE pride" is actually one we frequently use in my anti-racism workshop to give self-hating whites a feeling of pride.

27. Later the following happened: While the Klan leader was in prison, Wally took over the Klan’s radio station together with Tania, and used it to broadcast the rhetorical “hateful” messages on air. Jeff as furious that Wally “abused the Klan to spread hate” and out of fear that Wally would completely take over the Klan, he got the program cancelled. As a result, for a long while after that Wally did not allow Pamela to look after Katrina, and finally the fights escalated to the point where Wally and Tania cancelled their membership in the Klan and burned their costumes in protest.


A little coziness with Tania, who comes home late, after working all day.

The love, which finally won over their racism.

28. For a long time, while they were fighting each other, I became the link between them, and I followed Wally through the entire development. For me it was now clear that he in Tania, and their beloved daughter, had found the love that he needed in order to let go of his pain. He no longer needed to express pain through the clans and Nazi’s empty phrases, and he practically looked for a confrontation as an excuse to break away. When I push him today, he will at times use some of the old phrases, but on the whole he has loosened up, can smile natural and started to mingle with other people and to work. Like most other ex. Klan members, he is actively participating in the local church community. Thus Wally is one of my many examples from my many years of racism work, that only love can cure racism.


After three years in prison, Jeff was released early due to good behavior and the joy of seeing Pamela on the other side, was great.

Pamela on a visit to Jeff in prison.


29. The Klan leader Jeff and Pamela was on a corresponding long journey to escape the powerful grasp of their pain. When I by chance discovered that he was innocently imprisoned (in order to avoid that his son would be jailed for violent threats) I and Rikke Marrott went into an active defense of him, with among other things my defense paper “Romeo and Juliet in Klan costumes” on the internet. We had talked to Pamela about changing the Klan to a healing group for both blacks and whites that had been damaged as children. She thought it was a good idea, but Jeff missed the shots of adrenalin he always felt as the only Klan leader I USA to have had the courage to march into even the largest towns and be attacked by thousands of people, “We had screaming worshipers in New York” he said proudly about his victory march, with 13 poor Klan people in this city primarily populated by blacks and Jews.  The wounded child inside still craved this kind of attention instead of what Pamela and I worked on, the attention he could get by being in a dialogue with me at the universities.


Jeff visits my girlfriend from 1972, Virginia and her husband Honore. He was a prison officer in the Angola prison and he was used to be evaded by white hate groups, but died of a heart attack shortly after this visit.

Jeff and Honore enjoyed each other’s company. They had the same views on almost everything, e.g. opposition to mixed marriages, abortions, death penalty and homosexuality.

30. After his prison term Jeff still dreamed of continuing the Klan, but he was leery because of his love for Pamela.
In order to figure out where he was really standing, I invited him on a long road trip to visit all my black friends, along with a Danish TV team. Personally I had never seen the hatred in him, but in front of the TV cameras he had always played “the big bad wolf”, in order to fulfill our need to cultivate these poor losers in clown costumes. In fact he clearly communicated better with the blacks than I did, shaped as they both were by our ghettoizing- but TV forced him to fall back in the Klan identity. Thus our journey ended in a huge argument. However, his resistance was of the same nature as I know from my racism workshops. Just before the “racists” are ready to “step over” and on their way to a new way of thinking, they resists most energetic.


Klan’s look 2005.

With the now blind and paralyzed Jeff in 2007, after the attack by other Klan members, after they discovered that he left the Klan group.

31. Shortly after this trip Jeff in fact decided to dissolve the Klan. There were quite a few people influencing this decision. Most important was the love he had now found for Pamela, who did not wish to continue the Klan work, but the decision would cost Jeff dearly. At the Klan’s yearly barbeque, he was attacked by other Klan members, among them his own violent son, whom Jeff earlier had spent several years in prison in order to protect him from going to prison.
They beat up Jeff so thoroughly, that he was in a coma for a month with only a 50% chance of surviving. Today he is paralyzed and blind as seen in this photo, taken the last time I stayed with him and Pamela. Still they are both active today, in their local church spreading the Christian message of love.
Because in that Jeff and I agree “Only love can cure racism”.

Continue my picture-journey through the Ku Klux Klan's world







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