Jul i præstegården - 1962
Christmas in my childhood rectory

Danish: På filmen ses først vores tjenestepige Annette, derpå Niels Jørgen og Steen, min far fælde juletræer i vores plantage, min tante Gerda, farmor og mor i køkkenet og jeg selv i værkstedet
. Til julemiddagen inviterede vi hyppigt fattige naboer såsom Kristian Sømand, som min far havde inviteret til at bo bag præstegården i en shack.
Se mere om livet i min barndomsby her.


English: Calling for dinner from the window you first see our maid Annette, then my brothers Niels Jørgen (14 year) and Steen (2). They go with my father to our plantation to cut christmas trees for all our neighbours. While my aunt Gerda, grandmother and mother prepare in the kitchen my brother and I fabricate gifts downstairs. The Christmas service in my father's church does not show well on the film, but at least you can see our Christmas meal, where we usually invited some poor neighbors such as "Kristian the sea man" whom we invited to live behind our house in his shack .
 See more about my childhood village life here.

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