Greek and Roman mythology

You may think I am stretching it a bit far here, but why not make the Gods of our ancestors our own blood related ancestors? Many of our forefathers such as Julius Caesar claimed to descend from both Aeneas and the Gods and how can you actually prove they were wrong without looking deep into their private bedrooms?
In any case it is interesting to set up the genealogies of the complex Greek and Roman mythology on the basis of the bloodlines between man and God our forefathers claimed to have.
Note: on purpose I have left out the God I am myself always being compared to in the media, namely Hermes - the messenger of the Gods - since I don't want to reveal here the higher sources I have all my information from :-)

of Greek mythology, Achilles
of Greek mythology, Aeolus
of Greek mythology, Agenor
of Greek mythology, Alcidice
of Greek mythology, Aleus
of Greek mythology, Amphion
of Greek mythology, Anchinoe Dght of Nile
of Greek mythology, Andromache
of Greek mythology, Argus King of Peloponnese
of Greek mythology, Argyphid
of Greek mythology, Asia
of Greek mythology, Astyoche
of Greek mythology, Atlas a Titan
of Greek mythology, Belus King of Egypt
of Greek mythology, Cadmus
of Greek mythology, Callirrhoe the rivernymph
of Greek mythology, Capys of Troy
of Greek mythology, Chaos
of Greek mythology, Chloris
of Greek mythology, Cilix
of Greek mythology, Clymene an Oceanid
of Greek mythology, Danaus
of Greek mythology, Deimachus
of Greek mythology, Deucalion
of Greek mythology, Dght of Nile
of Greek mythology, Egyptus
of Greek mythology, Electra
of Greek mythology, Enareta
of Greek mythology, Epaphus
of Greek mythology, Epimetheus
of Greek mythology, Epimetheus
of Greek mythology, Europa
of Greek mythology, Evadne
of Greek mythology, Gaia (Latin: Terra) Earth
of Greek mythology, Hector of the Iliad
of Greek mythology, Hellen
of Greek mythology, Iapetus a Titan
of Greek mythology, Iasus
of Greek mythology, Inachus
of Greek mythology, Lacadaemon
of Greek mythology, Lanassa
of Greek mythology, Lelex King of Attica
of Greek mythology, Libya
of Greek mythology, Melia
of Greek mythology, Nearea
of Greek mythology, Neleus
of Greek mythology, Nile
of Greek mythology, Niobe
of Greek mythology, Ocean
of Greek mythology, Orseis the nymph
of Greek mythology, Pandora
of Greek mythology, Paris of the Iliad
of Greek mythology, Pelasgus
of Greek mythology, Pelias King of Iolcus
of Greek mythology, Phoenix
of Greek mythology, Phorbus
of Greek mythology, Phoroneus King of
of Greek mythology, Pleione the oceanid
of Greek mythology, Poseidon
of Greek mythology, Prometheus
of Greek mythology, Pyrrha
of Greek mythology, Pyrrhus
of Greek mythology, Salmoneus
of Greek mythology, Scamander
of Greek mythology, Simois River-god
of Greek mythology, Strymon
of Greek mythology, Teledice (a nymph)
of Greek mythology, Telephassa
of Greek mythology, Tethys
of Greek mythology, Triopas
of Greek mythology, Tyro
of Greek mythology, Uranus The sky
of Greek mythology, Zeus
of Roman (Greek) mythology, Venus (Aphrodite)
of Roman mythology, Adventinus
of Roman mythology, Aegestes
of Roman mythology, Aeneas
of Roman mythology, Aeneas of Troy
of Roman mythology, Agrippa
of Roman mythology, Altheus
of Roman mythology, Amnus Faunigena
of Roman mythology, Anchises of Troy
of Roman mythology, Blascon
of Roman mythology, Cambo Blascon (Jupiter II)
of Roman mythology, Capetus
of Roman mythology, Capys
of Roman mythology, Caribanthus
of Roman mythology, Cerulus (Saturn II)
of Roman mythology, Dodanin
of Roman mythology, Faunus I
of Roman mythology, Faunus II
of Roman mythology, Hercules Lybius
of Roman mythology, Iulus (Ascanius) of Troy
of Roman mythology, Jasius
of Roman mythology, Jasius II (Mars Italus)
of Roman mythology, Javan
of Roman mythology, Latinus
of Roman mythology, Latinus
of Roman mythology, Lavinia
of Roman mythology, Mars
of Roman mythology, Picus I
of Roman mythology, Picus II
of Roman mythology, Remus
of Roman mythology, Rhea Silvia (Ilia)
of Roman mythology, Romulus
of Roman mythology, Silvius
of Roman mythology, Thuscus
of Roman mythology, Tiberinus
of Roman mythology, Vulcan

of Nordic Mythology, Frigg
of Nordic Mythology, Wooden (Odin) 215-?


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