Counts and countesses

Count of Albi, Hermengild (Ermengaud) 848-?
Count of Albon, Guigue I 1016-?
Count of Albon, Guigue II 1042-?
Count of Albon, Guigues III 1068-1198
Count of Alsace, Luitfride II 730-780
Count of Altorf, Eticho I ?-910
Count of Amiens Boves, Enguerrand I de Coucy 1043-?
Count of Amiens Coucy, Thomas de la Fere 1073-1131
Count of Amiens de Valois, Raoul II 992-1060
Count of Amper, Rabold
Count of Angouleme, Alduin 866-916
Count of Angouleme, Arnould I Manzer 924-988
Count of Angouleme, Aymer II de Valence 1160-1218
Count of Angouleme, Foulques Taillefer 1015-1087
Count of Angouleme, Geoffrey I Taillefer 988-1048
Count of Angouleme, Guillaume I Taillefer 916-962
Count of Angouleme, Guillaume II Taillefer 952-1022
Count of Angouleme, Guillaume III Taillefer 1084-1122
Count of Angouleme, Guillaume IV Taillefer 1134-1179
Count of Angouleme, Vulgrin II Taillefer 1108-1140
Count of Angouleme, Wulfgrin I Taillifer
Count of Anjou and Maine, Geoffrey V the Fair 1113-1151
Count of Anjou and Orleans, Ingelger I 845-888
Count of Anjou, Foulque I "Le Roux" 870-938
Count of Anjou, Foulque II "Le Bon" 909-?
Count of Anjou, Foulque III "Noir" ?-1040
Count of Anjou, Foulque IV the Rude 1043-1106
Count of Anjou, Geoffrey I "Grisgonelle" 938-?
Count of Anjou, Maurice ?-984
Count of Anjou, Tertulle 821-?
Count of Aragon, Aznar I Galindez ?-839
Count of Aragon, Aznar II Galindo ?-893
Count of Aragon, Galindo I Aznarez ?-867
Count of Aragon, Galindo II Aznarez ?-922
Count of Argengau and Linzgau, Ulrich I
Count of Argengau and Linzgau, Ulrich II ?-818
Count of Argengau, Ruthard
Count of Argengau, Ulrich III ?-885
Count of Argengau, Ulrich IV ?-893
Count of Argengau, Ulrich V ?-909
Count of Argengau, Welf I ?-876
Count of Arlon, Walram I ?-1052
Count of Arnsberg-Werl, Hermann I ?-997
Count of Arnsberg-Werl, Hermann II 980-1024
Count of Artois, Philippe 1269-1298
Count of Artois, Robert I 1216-1250
Count of Artois, Robert II Ruler of Neapel 1250-1302
Count of Auelgau, Herman ?-948
Count of Aunay, Cadelon III 940-988
Count of Aunay, Cadelon IV 960-1029
Count of Auriate, Torino, Ardoino III Glabrione ?-972
Count of Austrasia, Carloman 550-645
Count of Autun and Burgundy, Nivelon I. Nebelong ?-767
Count of Autun or Madrie, Theotbert ?-830
Count of Autun, Bernard I 795-844
Count of Autun, Robert I 898-?
Count of Auvergne, Bernard II (Vitellus) 841-886
Count of Auvergne, Gerard ?-841
Count of Auvergne, Guillaume IV 943-1016
Count of Auvergne, Guy I 925-989
Count of Auvergne, Robert I 873-?
Count of Auvergne, Robert II 894-?
Count of Auxerre and Nevers, Landri de Monceaux ?-1028
Count of Auxerre, Conrad I
Count of Auxerre, Conrad II 825-866
Count of Aversa, Atenulf
Count of Ballensted, Adalbert
Count of Ballenstedt, Albrecht 1030-1080
Count of Ballenstedt, Esico ?-1060
Count of Barcelona, Berengar-Ramon I 1005-1035
Count of Barcelona, Borrell II
Count of Barcelona, Ramon Berengar I 1023-1076
Count of Barcelona, Ramon Berengar II 1053-1082
Count of Barcelona, Ramon Berengar III 1082-1131
Count of Barcelona, Ramon Borrel III 972-1017
Count of Barcelona, Sunyer
Count of Barcelona, Wilfred
Count of Bar-sur-Aube, Nocher 940-?
Count of Bar-sur-Aube, Nocher II de Soissons 970-?
Count of Bar-sur-Aube, Nocher III 1000-1040
Count of Bar-sur-Seine, Raoul ?-981
Count of Bar-sur-Seine, Reinald ?-997
Count of Bavaria (Count Palatine), Berthold I 942-?
Count of Bavaria, Berthold I Margrave 915-?
Count of Bavaria, Friedrich I 972-1030
Count of Bavaria, Luitpold Margrave or 860-?
Count of Bavaria, Sieghard I
Count of Bayeaux and Senlis, Berenger 847-930
Count of Bayeux and Senlis, Berenger 847-930
Count of Berg, Heinrich III 1073-1122
Count of Berg, Poppo ?-1100
Count of Beteau, Eberhard 1031-?
Count of Beulac, Godfrey (Ginbert) 921-?
Count of Bezalu, Bernard Taillefer Seigneur 955-?
Count of Bierzo, Gaton ?-866
Count of Bierzo, Gutierre Menendez
Count of Bierzo, Hermenegildo Gutierrez
Count of Bierzo?, Guttiere Osorez
Count of Bigorre, Donat Llop
Count of Bigorre, Llop Donot ?-910
Count of Blois and Troyes, Thibaut III 993-1089
Count of Blois, Aubri I
Count of Blois, Aubri II
Count of Blois, Etienne (Henri) 1046-1102
Count of Blois, Etienne Henri II "le Sage" 950-996
Count of Blois, Thibaud Chartres le Tricheur 913-?
Count of Blois, Thibaut IV 1090-1152
Count of Bohmenmark, Ernst
Count of Bonngau and Tubalgau, Erenfried II 945-965
Count of Boulogne, Baldwin II ?-1033
Count of Boulogne, Erniculf ?-942
Count of Boulogne, Eustache I 1004-1049
Count of Boulogne, Eustache II 1030-1093
Count of Boulogne, Eustache III 1059-1125
Count of Boulogne, Gui
Count of Braine de Baudement, Guy 1100-1144
Count of Brandenburg (Askanier), Otto III 1220-1267
Count of Brandenburg, Albrecht II 1174-1220
Count of Brandenburg, Johan I 1216-1266
Count of Brandenburg, Otto I 1126-1184
Count of Breisgau, Richhard
Count of Bretagne and Rennes, Conan I "le Tort" 927-?
Count of Bretagne and Richmond, Jean II 1239-1305
Count of Bretagne, Jean I of Pontarcy 1217-1286
Count of Bretagne, Pierre I Mauclerc of Dreux 1191-1250
Count of Brunswick, Brunon I
Count of Brunswick, Brunon II 960-1003
Count of Brunswick, Ludolf 1016-1038
Count of Bulgaria, Nikola Kumet 915-?
Count of Buren, Friedrich I
Count of Buren, Friedrich II ?-1094
Count of Bures, Guillaume of Gometz la Ferte 988-?
Count of Burgundy, Conrad II 825-881
Count of Burgundy, Guillaume I the Great 1040-1087
Count of Burgundy, Raimond 1055-1107
Count of Burgundy, Rainald III 1117-1148
Count of Burgundy, Renaud I 990-1057
Count of Cailor, Raines (Rainon) 1098-?
Count of Capua and Benevento, Atenulf I ?-910
Count of Capua and Benevento, Landonulf ?-861
Count of Capua and Benevento, Landulf ?-842
Count of Capua and Benevento, Landulf I ?-943
Count of Capua and Benevento, Landulf II
Count of Capua and Benevento, Landulf III ?-968
Count of Capua and Benevento, Pandulf I ?-981
Count of Capua and Benevento, Pandulf II ?-1016
Count of Carcassone, Roger I 935-1011
Count of Carcassonne, Acfredo II 847-933
Count of Carcassonne, Bello 758-?
Count of Carcassonne, Oliva I 783-837
Count of Carcassonne, Oliva II 815-879
Count of Carlat, Gilbert II 1005-1071
Count of Carlat, Giselbert (Gilbert)
Count of Castile, Diego Rodriguez Porcelos ?-885
Count of Castile, Garcia I Fernandez de Lara 940-995
Count of Castile, Gonzalo Fernandez ?-932
Count of Castile, Leon, Fernan Sanche Goncalez 910-970
Count of Castile, Muno Nunez
Count of Castille, Rodrigo ?-873
Count of Castille, Sancho I Garces 965-1017
Count of Chalon, Manasses de Vergi
Count of Chalons and Beaune, Robert of Troyes 918-?
Count of Chalons, Lambert 924-978
Count of Cham, Ratpoto IV 1034-1080
Count of Champagne, Eudes II Blois 987-1037
Count of Champagne, Henri I 1127-1181
Count of Champagne, Thibault V 1167-1201
Count of Chastellerault, Boso II 1036-1092
Count of Chateaudun, Geoffroy II 980-?
Count of Chateau-Reneaud, Gauthier I
Count of Chatellerault, Boso I 982-1014
Count of Chatellerault, Hugh 1022-1075
Count of Chiemgau, Sieghard III ?-959
Count of Chiemgau, Sieghard IV
Count of Coimbra, Atulpho
Count of Coimbra, Sisibuto
Count of Comminges and Couserans, Arnould I 920-957
Count of Comminges, Asnarius 872-?
Count of Como, Wiprand ?-999
Count of Courtenay, Athon 985-1000
Count of Courtenay, Josceline 1034-?
Count of Courtenay, Milo 1069-1127
Count of Courtenay, Renaud (Reginald) Seigneur 1100-1161
Count of Courtenay, Renaud (Reginald) Seigneur 1125-1194
Count of Couserans, Foix and Bigorre, Bernardo Roger 975-1038
Count of Darnau, Giselbert 826-877
Count of Dassel and Nieno, Adolf 1160-?
Count of Dassel, Ludolf 1128-1166
Count of Dassel, Reinald 1090-1124
Count of Diessen Thanning, Otto II 1033-1120
Count of Diessen, Berthold II 995-?
Count of Diessen, Friedrich II 1019-1075
Count of Dreux, Landri 910-?
Count of Dreux, Robert I 1123-1188
Count of Dreux, Robert II 1154-1218
Count of Dyrrbachion, Ioannes Chryselios
Count of Ebersberg, Adalbero I
Count of Eppenstein, Friederich ?-1065
Count of Evereux, Richard 986-1067
Count of Evereux, Robert Archbishop of Rouen 964-1037
Count of Everstein, Albrecht I ?-1162
Count of Everstein, Albrecht II ?-1197
Count of Everstein, Albrecht III 1160-1214
Count of Everstein, Albrecht til Ørnhoved 1230-1289
Count of Everstein, Konrad Edler ?-1127
Count of Everstein, Ludvig I 1206-1283
Count of Faucigny, Aimon I 1108-?
Count of Faucigny, Louis Seigneur 1060-?
Count of Fezensac, William I ?-961
Count of Flanders, Arnold I the Old 890-?
Count of Flanders, Arnold II the Young 961-?
Count of Flanders, Balduin VI 1030-1070
Count of Flanders, Baldwin IV the Bearded 980-1036
Count of Flanders, Baldwin V 1012-1067
Count of Flanders, Baldwin VII the Good 980-1076
Count of Flanders, Baudouin I 837-?
Count of Flanders, Baudouin II "the Bald" 865-?
Count of Flanders, Baudouin III 933-?
Count of Flanders, Odoscer (Odacre) 810-?
Count of Flanders, Robert I le Frison 1038-1093
Count of Forcalquier, Bertrand 1104-1149
Count of Forcalquier, Guillaume 1078-1129
Count of Forcalquier, Guillaume Bertrand II 1029-1090
Count of Forcalquier, Guillaume IV 1130-1208
Count of Formbach, Frederick 1024-?
Count of Formbach, Meginhard IV ?-1066
Count of Friesland, Arnulf
Count of Friesland, Dietrich II
Count of Friesland, Gerulf ?-889
Count of Friuli, Eberhard Marchese 802-?
Count of Friuli, Unroch I Ternois 770-853
Count of Friuli, Unroch II ?-828
Count of Friuli, Unruoch III 842-874
Count of Galicia, Gonzalo Menendez
Count of Galicia, Melendo Gonzales 965-1008
Count of Gastinais, Geoffrey Ferole ?-1060
Count of Geldern and Zütphen, Meginoz 920-998
Count of Geneva, Aimon I 1050-1134
Count of Geneva, Amadeo I 1100-1162
Count of Geneva, Gerold 1012-1045
Count of Geneva, Guillaume I 1130-1195
Count of Genf, Gerold 1025-?
Count of Genf, NN Brother of pope Gerhard of Egisheim
Count of Gevaudan, Gilbert 1071-1108
Count of Gievaudun, Milhaud, Berenger 1029-1080
Count of Gleiberg, Herbert I 925-992
Count of Gleichen and Tonna, Lambert II 1170-1227
Count of Gleichen, Erwin II 1100-1193
Count of Groitzsch and Niederlausitz, Dedo V 1142-1190
Count of Gudenberg, Gisos ?-1137
Count of Gützkow, Jaksa II 1244-?
Count of Gützkow, Johann I 1227-?
Count of Hainault, Baudouin II 1056-?
Count of Hainault, Baudouin III 1087-1120
Count of Hainault, Baudouin IV 1110-1171
Count of Hainault, Baudouin V 1150-1195
Count of Hainault, Reginar 945-1013
Count of Hainault, Reginar I 849-?
Count of Hainault, Reginar II 880-932
Count of Hainault, Reginar III 920-973
Count of Hainault, William de Bastinbourg ?-1001
Count of Halland (Sweden), Jakob 1283-1308
Count of Halland (Sweden), Niels II 1218-1251
Count of Halland (Sweden), Niels Valdemarsen I ?-1219
Count of Hamaland, Dietrich 850-?
Count of Haspengau, Robert ?-764
Count of Heinsburg and Valkenburg, Goswin I ?-1128
Count of Heinsburg and Valkenburg, Goswin II 1129-1168
Count of Hesbain, Gunderland 717-778
Count of Hesbain, Sigrand (Sigramus) 687-?
Count of Holland, Dietrich III Hierosolymita ?-1039
Count of Holland, Florenz ?-1061
Count of Holstein, Adolf I von Schauenburg 1072-1128
Count of Holstein, Adolf II von Schauenburg 1110-1164
Count of Holstein, Adolf III von Schauenburg 1159-1225
Count of Holstein, Adolf IV von Schauenburg 1186-1261
Count of Holstein, Gerhard I
Count of Holstein, Gerhard III den Kullede 1292-1340
Count of Holsten, Henrik "Jernhenrik" 1320-1385
Count of Hosgau, Dedi I ?-1009
Count of Isar and Vils, Eberhard (Ezzo) ?-1039
Count of Isar and Vils, Markwart III ?-1000
Count of Istrien and Friaul, Weriand
Count of Istrien and Krain, Ulrich I 1045-1070
Count of Istrien, Engelbert I 1035-1096
Count of Ivrea, Adelbert ?-928
Count of Ivrea, Anscario
Count of Kastl, Herman I ?-1058
Count of Kennemerland, Dietrich I ?-928
Count of Kraichgau, Sieghard ?-861
Count of Krain (Sieghardinger), Ulrich 990-1029
Count of Krain and Istrien, Poppo I 1014-1044
Count of Käfernburg, Günther II 1039-1062
Count of Käfernburg, Siger
Count of Käfernburg, Sizzo I 974-?
Count of Käfernburg, Sizzo II 1075-?
Count of Kärntner Mark, Rabold I
Count of La Marche, Boso I 950-?
Count of Lahngau, Eberhard
Count of Lahngau, Udo II ?-879
Count of Laufen (Lobdengau), Boppo ?-1067
Count of Laufen (Lobdengau), Heinrich ?-1023
Count of Laufen, Heinrich ?-1067
Count of Lens, Lambert of Boulogne 1020-1054
Count of Ligurien, Alberto Azzo II von Este 997-1097
Count of Limburg, Walram II 998-1070
Count of Limoges, Ademar I 986-1036
Count of Limoges, Ademar II 1030-1090
Count of Limoges, Ademar III le Barbu 1068-1139
Count of Limoges, Foulques
Count of Limoges, Geraud 963-988
Count of Limoges, Guy ?-1025
Count of Limoges, Hildebert ?-914
Count of Limoges, Hildegaire ?-937
Count of Lodeve, Odo ?-1048
Count of Logenahe, Conrad "the Old" ?-906
Count of Logenahe, Eudes
Count of Logenahe, Gebhard ?-860
Count of Looz, Emmo II ?-1078
Count of Looz, Giselbert ?-1050
Count of Lorraine and Louvain, Henry II 1020-1078
Count of Lorraine, Boso
Count of Lorraine, Gerhard 883-910
Count of Louvain and Toxandrie, Lambert 880-?
Count of Louvain, Henry III 1050-1095
Count of Louvain, Lambert II "the Bearded" 952-1015
Count of Louvain, Lambert III "Baudry" 990-1062
Count of Lower Alsace, Alberich 698-735
Count of Lower Alsace, Eticho II 698-735
Count of Lower Alsace, Hugh III Raucus 944-986
Count of Lucca, Marquis of Italy, Obert I 912-?
Count of Luxembourg, Giselbert 987-1056
Count of Luxembourg, Konrad I 1020-1086
Count of Luxemburg, Frederick I of Salm 958-1019
Count of Luxemburg, Siegfried 922-?
Count of Macon, Stephan I of Varasc 1055-1102
Count of Maine, Helias 1060-1110
Count of Maine, Herbert II 1030-1062
Count of Maine, Heribert I 1002-1036
Count of Maine, Hugh IV 1000-1051
Count of Maine, Hugues I 912-940
Count of Maine, Hugues II 942-992
Count of Maine, Hugues III 972-1015
Count of Maine, Rorican 804-?
Count of Maine, Rotger 882-900
Count of Marchtal, Adalbert
Count of Massgau, Giselbert 795-?
Count of Maurienne, Marquis of Italy, Umberto I 975-1051
Count of Meaux, Chagneric
Count of Meaux, Gondoald
Count of Meissen, Conrad I 1175-1157
Count of Meissen, Herman II
Count of Meissen, Otto Margrave of Meissen 1140-1190
Count of Metz, Adalbert II ?-1038
Count of Metz, Gerhard III 1005-1045
Count of Metz, Richard ?-986
Count of Metzgau, Gerhard
Count of Milhaud, Gievaudun, Richard II 1003-1051
Count of Milhaud, Richard I 977-1018
Count of Modena and Canossa, Adalbert-Otto II
Count of Montdidier, Hilduin of Arcis-sur-Aube 920-?
Count of Monthlery, Bouchard 957-?
Count of Monthlery, Thibault 983-?
Count of Montlhery, Guy 1010-1095
Count of Mortagne Chateaudun, Rotrou 1012-1080
Count of Mortagne de Chateaudun, Geoffroy I 1041-1100
Count of Mortain, Robert
Count of Morvois, Guerri I
Count of Namur and Hainault, Robert I 920-981
Count of Namur, Albert I 950-1011
Count of Namur, Albert II of Andenne 1002-1063
Count of Namur, Albert III of Stablo-Malmedy 1030-1102
Count of Namur, Berenger 1st 890-946
Count of Namur, Godefroy 1073-1139
Count of Namur, Jean
Count of Narbonne, Berenger 990-1067
Count of Narbonne, Odon ?-933
Count of Neustrien, Lambert II
Count of Nevers & Auxerre & Bourges, Hugo
Count of Nevers, Bodon ( Eudes) ?-1023
Count of Nevers, Renaud I 1047-?
Count of Niederlahngau, Gebhard I ?-879
Count of Niederlausitz, Conrad 1160-1210
Count of Niederlausitz, Dietrich II ?-1034
Count of Niederlausitz, Gero II ?-1015
Count of Nordgau and Lower Alsace, Eberhard I 730-777
Count of Nordgau, Eberhard II Wichman
Count of Nordgau, Eberhard III ?-898
Count of Nordgau, Eberhard IV 870-?
Count of Nordgau, Hugo III of Hohenburg ?-940
Count of Nordmark, Albrecht the Bear 1100-1170
Count of Nordmark, Bernhard I
Count of Nordthuringergau, Thietmar I ?-978
Count of Noyou, Anselm ?-966
Count of Ober Salzburgau, Sieghard II ?-920
Count of Oberrheingau, Concor (Rubert)
Count of Ohningen, Kuno 935-1020
Count of Oldenburg, Didrik den lykkelige ?-1440
Count of Orlamünde, Siegfried 1150-1206
Count of Orleans, Eudes (Odo) 798-834
Count of Orleans, Udo I ?-834
Count of Ortenau, Konrad III
Count of Ostmark, Thietmar ?-959
Count of Ostmark, Thietmar I ?-892
Count of Palais, Hugobert ?-698
Count of Palatine Luxembourg, Wigeric (Richwin) 886-919
Count of Palatine, Ezzo 955-1034
Count of Palatine, Hermann I 929-?
Count of Paris, Bego
Count of Paris, Begue 776-?
Count of Paris, Girard
Count of Paris, Guerin (Warinus) 630-677
Count of Paris, Robert IV "the strong" 820-?
Count of Passau, Ulrich I
Count of Pavia and Auriate, Roger I ?-912
Count of Pegnitz, Heinrich I ?-1043
Count of Penthievre, Etienne I ?-1138
Count of Penthievre, Eudon 999-1079
Count of Perigord and La Marche, Adalbert I 959-997
Count of Perigord and La Marche, Bernard I 1010-1047
Count of Perigord, William 837-920
Count of Poitiers, Ranulph I 835-875
Count of Poitiers, Renaud 795-?
Count of Pommern, Msciwoj I Ksiaz Pomorze 1207-1213
Count of Pommern, Sobjeslaw Ksiaz Pomorze ?-1178
Count of Ponthieu, Helgaud I ?-864
Count of Ponthieu, Helgaud II ?-926
Count of Ponthieu, Herluin I ?-878
Count of Ponthieu, Herluin II ?-945
Count of Ponthieu, Roger ?-957
Count of Ponthieu, William I ?-965
Count of Provence (parts), Guillaume Bertrand 1003-1054
Count of Provence, Boso I ?-948
Count of Provence, Boso II 908-968
Count of Provence, Fulk Bertrand Marquis & 1034-1063
Count of Provence, Raymond Berenger V (IV) 1195-1245
Count of Provence, Rotbold ?-1008
Count of Provence, Theobald Adalbertus Marquis ?-926
Count of Provence, William I Marquis & 950-993
Count of Provence, William II 983-1018
Count of Ravensburg, Albrecht
Count of Reims and Rouci, Reneaud 926-?
Count of Rennes, Judicael Berengar ?-970
Count of Rethel, Hugues I 1040-1118
Count of Rethel, Manasses I ?-990
Count of Rethel, Manasses II ?-1056
Count of Ribagorza and Pallars, Bernardo I ?-950
Count of Ribagorza and Pallars, Raymond I ?-916
Count of Ribagorza and Pallars, Raymond II ?-970
Count of Ringelheim, Reginhart 828-?
Count of Ringleheim and Oldenburg, Wolpert 800-?
Count of Ringleheim, Theodoric 872-?
Count of Rochefoucauld, Aimery I 1076-1151
Count of Rodez, Fulguad
Count of Rothenburg, Werner
Count of Roucy Ramerupt, Hilduin IV 1020-1063
Count of Roucy, Ebalus I of Reims 980-1033
Count of Roucy, Giselbert 940-?
Count of Roucy, Ragenoldus 910-?
Count of Sabran du Cailar, Raimond (Reinier) 1154-1224
Count of Sabran du Cailar, Rostaing 1124-?
Count of Sabran, Guillaume I 1064-?
Count of Sabran, Guillaume II 1094-?
Count of Saldena, Diego
Count of Saldena, Gomez
Count of Salermo, Giovanno di Lamberto ?-999
Count of Salzwedel, Friedrich I 1105-?
Count of Salzwedel, Friedrich II 1165-?
Count of Salzwedel, Jaczo 1199-1237
Count of Salzwedel, Konrad 1135-?
Count of Salzwedel, Strodoranen 1165-1178
Count of Savoy and Maurienne, Otto I 990-1060
Count of Savoy, Amadeo II 1032-1080
Count of Savoy, Amadeo III 1092-1148
Count of Savoy, Humbert III "le Saint" 1136-1188
Count of Savoy, Thomas I 1177-1233
Count of Savoy, Umberto II 1062-1103
Count of Saxonian Ostmark, Thietmar II ?-1029
Count of Saxony and Hessegau, Friedrich I ?-1042
Count of Scheyern, Otto I ?-1072
Count of Scheyern, Otto II ?-1110
Count of Schwalenberg, Wittikind I (Widekind) ?-1136
Count of Schwarzburg, Günther III ?-1114
Count of Schwarzburg, Sizzo 1093-1160
Count of Schweinfurt, Henry I Margrave 975-1017
Count of Schwerin (Wittenburg), Nicholas 1274-1323
Count of Schwerin, Günzel I von Hagen ?-1185
Count of Schwerin, Günzel II 1195-1221
Count of Schwerin, Günzel III 1227-1274
Count of Schwerin, Heinrich I ?-1228
Count of Segur, Ademar 950-977
Count of Segur, Foucher ?-950
Count of Semur, Arlebeaud 918-950
Count of Semur, Dalmace I 970-1032
Count of Semur, Geffroy I 940-1019
Count of Senlis, Hubert
Count of Sens, Gainfroi ?-795
Count of Sens, Mainier ?-800
Count of Sieghardinger, Friedrich II ?-1000
Count of Soissons, Gui 945-?
Count of Soissons, Witichin
Count of Sommerscenburg, Adalbert Seveke 1020-?
Count of Sommerschenburg, Friedrich I ?-1121
Count of Sorbenmark, Poppo II
Count of Speyer, Henry II 970-?
Count of Stade, Abbo
Count of Stade, Heinrich I
Count of Stade, Lothar I
Count of Stade, Lothar II
Count of Stade, Lothar Udo I Margrave of 994-1057
Count of Stade, Siegfried II 965-1034
Count of Stade, Udo III Margrave of Nordmark 1025-1082
Count of Sualafeld, Ernst IV 900-?
Count of Sulichgau, Eberhard 865-888
Count of Sulzbac, Gerhard II 1060-1085
Count of Sulzbach, Berengar II 1080-1125
Count of Sulzbach, Gerhard I 1034-?
Count of Supplinburg, Gebhard 1048-?
Count of Susa, Meginfred
Count of Swabia, Berthold Palatine 840-?
Count of Swabia, Rudolf I ?-940
Count of Swabia, Rudolf II ?-1030
Count of Swabia, Welf II ?-1030
Count of Saale and Elben, Christian
Count of Tabellaria (Teano), Laidolfo (Landulf) 1049-?
Count of Teano, Pandulf VI ?-1026
Count of Tecklenburg, Ekbert ?-1150
Count of Tecklenburg, Heinrich I ?-1156
Count of Tecklenburg, Simon 1157-1202
Count of Tecklenburg?, Heinrich? ?-1118
Count of the Hamelant., Meginhard I
Count of Therouanne, Erlebert
Count of Thouars, Aimery I 879-?
Count of Thouars, Aimery II 903-956
Count of Thouars, Aimery IV 1024-1093
Count of Thouars, Aimery VI 1080-1127
Count of Thouars, Geoffrey II 975-1055
Count of Thouars, Geoffroy I 845-?
Count of Thouars, Geoffroy III 1040-?
Count of Thouars, Geoffroy V 1111-?
Count of Thouars, Herbert I 925-987
Count of Thouars, Savary III 948-?
Count of Thuringia, Ludwig "der Bartingen" ?-1080
Count of Thuringia, Ludwig "der Springer" ?-1123
Count of Thuringia, Ludwig I 1090-1140
Count of Tonna and Harburg, Ernst I ?-1151
Count of Tonna, Erwin I ?-1116
Count of Toulouse, Guillaume I 765-812
Count of Toulouse, Odon (Eudes) 864-918
Count of Toulouse, Pons De Rouergue ?-1061
Count of Toulouse, Raimond I 810-864
Count of Toulouse, Raimond II 895-923
Count of Toulouse, Raimond III Pons 921-961
Count of Toulouse, William III Tailefer 947-1037
Count of Toulouse, William IV De Rouergue ?-1094
Count of Tours & Orleans & Alsace, Hugo II 765-836
Count of Turin and Asti, Ulric Manfred II ?-1035
Count of Turin, Arduin I
Count of Ufgau, Gebhard ?-948
Count of Ungarnmark, Siegfried 1005-1065
Count of Upper Lahngau, Conrad ?-906
Count of Upper Trangau, Dietpold I ?-1060
Count of Upper Trangau, Ratpoto I 977-964
Count of Upper Trangau, Ratpoto II ?-1060
Count of Urgel, Ermengaud IV 1052-1092
Count of Urgel, Wilfred I
Count of Valois, Gautier I 930-992
Count of Valois, Raoul III "the Great" 1015-1074
Count of Vendome, Bouchard I the Old ?-1007
Count of Vendome, Foulque I. L'Oison ?-1066
Count of Verdun and Ardennes, Godefroy the Old 932-1005
Count of Verdun, Henry 920-954
Count of Verdun, Richwin ?-923
Count of Vermandois & Troyes, Heribert II 885-?
Count of Vermandois and Valois, Heribert IV 1020-?
Count of Vermandois, Albert I the Pious 920-?
Count of Vermandois, Eudes 987-1045
Count of Vermandois, Herbert III 955-1002
Count of Vermandois, Hugues I the Great 1057-1102
Count of Vermandois, Pepin II Quentin 818-840
Count of Vermandois, Pepin V or II 817-892
Count of Viehbachgau, Markwart I ?-916
Count of Viehbachgau, Markwart II ?-951
Count of Vienne, Aimon I 985-1016
Count of Vienne, Charles Constantine 901-962
Count of Vienne, Girard I 1112-1180
Count of Vienne, Guillaume IV 1088-?
Count of Walbeck (Derlingau), Siegfried II ?-1087
Count of Walbeck (Nordmark), Lothar III ?-1003
Count of Walbeck and Nordmark, Lothar IV ?-1033
Count of Walbeck, Lothar I
Count of Walbeck, Lothar II
Count of Wassenberg, Gerhard I 1063-1138
Count of Wassenberg, Gerhard I 988-1035
Count of Wassenberg, Gerhard II Flamens 1013-1082
Count of Wassenberg, Heinrich 1033-1075
Count of Wasserburg, Dietrich I ?-1020
Count of Weimar and Orlamünde, Herman 1130-1176
Count of Weimar, Otto I 877-?
Count of Weimar, Poppo III
Count of Weimar, Wilhelm I 949-?
Count of Weimar, Wilhelm III ?-1039
Count of Weimar, Wilhelm IV ?-1062
Count of Weimar-Orlamünde, Otto II ?-1067
Count of Werl, Bernhard
Count of Werl, Hermann III
Count of Werle, Nicolaus II ?-1316
Count of Wetterau, Eudes (Odo)
Count of Wettin, Thimo ?-1091
Count of Winzenburg, Hermann I ?-1130
Count of Wittelsbach, Otto IV ?-1189
Count of Worms and Speyergau, Werner
Count of Worms, Meingaud
Count of Worms, Walahon
Count of Wormsgau and Upper Rhine, Rutpert II
Count of Wormsgau, Rutpert III
Count of Zitice and Sermunt, Hodo (Udo) ?-993
Count ofPoitou, Pierre-Guillaume l'Aigret 1011-1058
Count or Marquis de Turin, Manfred I 955-1001
Count or Marquis of Italy, Obert II ?-1018
Countess of Anjou, Roscille De Loches 874-?
Countess of Aragon, Andregota Galindez ?-972
Countess of Aragon, Guldregut
Countess of Aulney, Arsindis (Ersindis) ?-989
Countess of Autun, Ingeltrude 900-?
Countess of Autun, NN (a nonne)
Countess of Auvergne, Ermengarde
Countess of Barcelona, Sancha Sanchez ?-1026
Countess of Bavaria, Agnes ?-1218
Countess of Berg, Sophie ?-1110
Countess of Bierzo, Egilo
Countess of Breisgau, Ermengarde ?
Countess of Cham, Ita 1060-1101
Countess of Champaigne, Emma 969-?
Countess of Chiemgau, Willa ?-980
Countess of Ebersberg, Liutgard ?-970
Countess of Evereux, Herleva 968-?
Countess of Fezensac, Gersenda
Countess of Gleichen, nn
Countess of Gützkow, Margrethe 1295-?
Countess of Hainault, Alberada
Countess of Haspengau, Williswint ?
Countess of Kennemerland, Geva
Countess of Kitzinggau, Gerberga 972-?
Countess of Kärntner Mark, Engelmunt ?-920
Countess of Limoges, Tetberga
Countess of Limoges, Tetrisca
Countess of Looz, Schwanhild ?-1078
Countess of Louvain, Miss von Betuwe
Countess of Maine, Blichilde 794-?
Countess of Oberrheingau, Angila ?
Countess of Orlamünde, Adelheid 1100-?
Countess of Paris, Kunza (Gunzie) 630-?
Countess of Pommern, Walburgis 1130-1172
Countess of Pommern, Wojslawic
Countess of Provence, Aldegarde 1008-?
Countess of Provence, Dolcia I 1087-1130
Countess of Provence, Ermengade ?-1057
Countess of Provence, Gerberge 1055-1112
Countess of Ribagorza and Pallas, Guinigenta
Countess of Schlesvig, Hedwig 1400-1436
Countess of Schwalenberg, Judith ?-1162
Countess of Segur, Milisendis ?-1001
Countess of Sermunt, Friderun
Countess of Stade, Swanehild
Countess of Saale and Elben, Hidda ?-965
Countess of Teano, Gemma 1015-?
Countess of The Triergau, Cunegonde 893-923
Countess of Tonna, Helenburg ?-1133
Countess of Toulouse, Bertha De Remy 845-?
Countess of Toulouse, Cuningunda
Countess of Toulouse, Garsinde 923-975
Countess of Toulouse, Garsinde de Alby 874-?
Countess of Toulouse, Guidenilde 900-?
Countess of Tours, Ava 769-838
Countess of Vendome, Adele d'Anjou 990-1034
Countess of Vendome, Mathilde
Countess of Vermandois and Troyes, Adelaide ?-991
Countess of Vermandois, Liegarde
Countess of Weimar and Orlamünde, Ermengardis ?-1174
Countess of Wormsgau, Isingard


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