Daniel and Lalou Holdt's kinship with

Saint Sigebert of Austrasia:

37th great-grandfather


One of the first so-called rois fainéants ("sluggard kings") of the Merovingian dynasty,  who held no real power of his own but was ruled by whoever was his mayor of the palace. Made king of Austrasia by his father, Dagobert I, in 634, Sigebert was governed first by Bishop Chunibert of Cologne; then by Pepin I, the mayor of the palace and finally by Pepin's son, Grimoald. After Sigebert's death, his young son, Dagobert II, was sent off to an Irish monastery by Grimoald, who briefly established his own son, Childebert (adopted by Sigebert when the king was still childless) on the throne. Why he became a saint is unknown.

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