New Outlooks debat den 21. marts 2022 om de hvide busser

Se Renés fortælling på video

René Meyrowitschs fortælling om hans og Steen Herdels film, "Befriet fra Hitlers helvede" om de hvide bussers redning af ca 17.000 kz fanger. "Mine forældre og min bror var i Theresienstadt, derfor denne taknemmelighed til de Hvide bussers helte. Som barn vidste jeg at de havde været i kz-lejr. Det var alt, hvad jeg fik at vide. De var stærkt traumatiserede, især min mor. Der skulle ikke meget til, før de blev sure og vrede. Så kunne de råbe og skrige. Jeg spurgte aldrig om noget og fandt min kærlighed hos min onkel og tante, som tog sig meget af mig. Men de fortalte mig heller intet. Sådan var det dengang, man talte ikke om det svære, og især børnene skulle skånes. Og jeg ved jo, at mine forældre gjorde det så godt de kunne."

In English:
René Meyrowitsch's story about his and Steen Herdel's film, "Liberated from Hitler's Hell" about the rescue of some 17,000 concentration camp prisoners by the White Buses. "My parents and my brother were in Theresienstadt, hence this gratitude to the heroes of the White Buses. As a child, I knew they had been in a concentration camp. That was all I was told. They were severely traumatized, especially my mother. It didn't take much for them to become angry and resentful. Then they could shout and scream. I never asked for anything and found my love with my uncle and aunt, who took great care of me. But they didn't tell me anything either. That's how it was then, you didn't talk about the difficult things and especially the children had to be spared. And I know that my parents did the best they could."



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