American Pictures - reviews

I'm so tired of making excuses

for not doing something: 


Dear Jacob 

I saw "American Pictures" last night here at Northwestern University and simply wanted to thank you. I don't know if you'll read this but I want you to know how moved I was by your presentation. 

Though many people, including myself, know the oppression that is present in society we tend to become separated from it. Sometimes we hide our knowledge of it altogether - maybe because we can't handle being oppressed ourselves. Not acknowledging these feelings of helplessness is what is alienating us from the rest of the country. 

I've always felt that no matter how ignorant a person seems, there is a human being underneath with the power to be virtuous. Your attitude toward people, your compassion for the human race has reinforced my beliefs. 

I'm so tired of making excuses for not doing something and as things appear to be getting worse it becomes easier and easier to make these excuses. 

When you put the list of all of the emotions up at the end of the show I couldn't relate to one in particular. I see now that the reason for this was the fact that I was experiencing every single one. So much so, that I still don't think I can sort them out. You made everything so real in your presentation. Because of this all of the knowledge of society that I've accumulated over my entire 18 years of life was brought to the surface. You have a wonderful gift for expressing absolute truth. 

There is no way that I can put my thoughts in rational order, but I hope you understand how grateful I am to know people like you exist. That sounds a bit odd I suppose, but you are providing me w/a strong basis for the way I want to be. Your efforts are opening a lot of eyes. Thanks. May your spirit find its way into everyone. 


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