American Pictures - reviews

A poem about the show:


September 17, 1992 


Dear Jacob, 

I saw "American Pictures" back in 1985 when I was a graduate student at Duke, and was so moved that I wrote a song that night. I've since been told by others who have seen "American Pictures" that my song of the same name captures a lot of what they felt. Some have asked if I sent you a copy of the song. but I never got around to it until now. 

I've enclosed a home recording of the song and a lyric sheet. If you have an interest in using it in your program or otherwise, I'd probably record it more professionally, perhaps with the extra "bridge" line (included on the lyric sheet). 
I'm glad you're still traveling with "American Pictures", and hope you'll have time to write back with your impressions. 

Larry Bohs 


American Pictures 
American pictures I saw that first Spring night 
It's not entertainment he said and he was right 
These weren't the pictures in my mind 
And I see that I've been blind 
I'd been told and read in books before 
Slavery's ended -- went out with the civil war 
But the pictures don't lie 
They show the faces that never ask why 
These are the pictures of our land 
Where freedom lives inside of every man 
(I sing my country tis of thee) 
(But where is the land of liberty?) 
We sit in our sports cars, turn up the radio 
Complain about taxes, the rent and the money we owe 
While people are starving day by day 
We turn our heads and walk away 
American pictures I saw that first Spring night 
It's not entertainment he said and he was right 
These are the pictures in my mind 
And I see that I've been blind 
C 1985 Larry Bohs 



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